Snow falls tumbling down,
The sun gives a frown;
Trees make a cold stare,
As cars pump smoke in the air;
Snow crunches beneath our feet,
As snowmen are built down the street;
Icy wind makes a lonely howl,
The moon remains modest like an owl...
There's only ONE winner,
Why not enjoy life's winter?
Willow’s Magpie #42
G-man’s Flash Friday 55 guest hosted by Eric:
Alphabe-Thursday (Thankful)
Thursday Thanking Tank (Thankfulness)

Happy Thanksgiving To All of You Who Celebrate!

The Elegant Butterfly Award by Jingle

The Most Professional Poet Award by Jingle

A Roasted Turkey 4 U!

Grab a plate, enjoy the treat!
The above Awards/Treats (4 of them) Are Especially Prepared 4 U, Followers of Jingle or Those Who READ This Post!
Please feel free to claim them without further notification!
Thanks for your love and support!
U Rock! xxx
Happy Thursday!
Happy Thanksgiving If You Celebrate!