university, Weihai
Despite the fact that Adam Lux was born in Lanzhou, Gansu Sheng,
Adam makes friends with fellow classmates, one of them, VanderBus Florda,
who comes from Xu Chang city, Hainan sheng (state), often shows special passion
toward Adam.
Adam grows up with a single mother, he was forced into labor work at nine,
he has learned to cook at ten, and he works hard and eventually attending a university
called Shantou University, which makes him a different person, at college, Adam
focuses on his physical fitness, often walks dozens of miles looking at local or rural
museums, or climbing mountains
VanderBus grows up at Xu Chang city, his parents are well educated, and often hold
official positions, and he lives on abundant, yet, with encouragement and firm love of the family, he
achieves well, winning district or county english contests, and also attending shantou university...
While Adam majors in Biology, VanderBus majors in Chemistry, they often encounter
each other at Laboratory, using extended time finishing their experiements
It happens that Adam learns faster with some unknown reasons, he is willing to help
VanderBus, at times, VanderBus demonstrates more comprehension of certain concepts
on human reactions, not just physical and chemical reactions
During their senior year, Adam was invited to visit Xu Chang, and know VanderBus a lot better..
they eat lots of food luxury at Xu Chang, Shantou, Weihai, and Shanghai, including climbing
Himalaya mountain and swimming at Beidai He river
in 2003, Adam included his girl friend Maggie on a trip to Hong Kong, while VanderBus retreated back to Xu Chang, marrying his hometown girl friend Alissa, the two has their friendship cooled down
Adam has three other male friends attending Wuhan University graduate school at the time,
He determines to obtain a graduate degree from Wuhan University also, thus, Adam applied,
and obtained permission, joining Sam, Trenton, and Kirby at Wuhan, and have fun learning
about Physics Mathematics....
After Adam and VanderBus both admitted to University of Florida, obtaining a ph d from
some Americans, their friendship deepened, and they become best friends in research
at the same time, Peterson and Paula from Lanzhou University have come to Berkeley to do advanced studies in Education, Literacy, and Curriculum issues, they happen to read about Sam, Trenton, and Kirby, and they wish to fame them in their published work...
today, while Jerry Yang, Zach Bogue, Mark Zuckerburg, Jack Ma, Benjiamin Rosenberg, and Alan
Eagle sit at Silicon valley, enjoying fancy technology productions, they also enjoy admiring
some exceptional academic achievers in higher institutions,
we do appreciate Adam Lux, VanderBus Gatesway, Maggie Walton, Sam Noble, Trent Zuo,
Kirby Hockensmith, Peterson Fan, Paula Tuttle, Amy Tan, Laurence Yep, Kay Ryan, Emily
Krajicek, Thomas Owen Washington, Jeff Bezos, Robert Young, Sarah Constantin, Matt Wilson,
Steve Wiood, Frank Huang, Jiahong Wu, Chris Francisco, Beryl su, Eric Zhang, Larry Zhu
few people appreciate asian arts, yet, we are brave enough to mention France Doyle, Drew Faust,
He Yan, Changxin Miao, Jiangsheng You, Chongsheng Cao, Jian Cao, William Jaco, Ann Blair,
Guoqiang Wang, Amin Mao, Mudan Jin, Shunkai Yan, Xuewen Hu, Ning Ju, Alan Noell,
Dale Alspach, Matt Alspach, Gerald Clancy, Steve Jobs, Marissa Mayor, Jinglong Wu, John Mabee
recall Bing Han, Ying Meng, Shuji Tian, Qiming Wang, Shiping Ma, Pingwen zhang, Li zhang,
Danping peng, ningning zhou, xiaofeng zhu, jin wang, ji yan, thomas perez, we always
have fond memory of friendship, academic competition, and wish to show gratitude to
Honglan Sun, Wenfan huang, Lee Fan, Bessy Fan, Charles Fan, Yunqing Fan, Shaohua Rao,
Mingrong Rao, Daxue Wang, Daihong Zhu, Dajie He, Mama Bie, Jiaying He, Yingfan Yan