Jim got a job offer at Salt Lake City! A dream comes true!
He grinned BIG as he imaged hiking in snow-covered mountain in July, swimming naked under a cave, and toasting mush-mellows near camping fire...
Lucy wished to follow him, but her mother has breast cancer and needs her...
Thoughts jumble, Lucy couldn't go.
Flash Friday 55 at G-Man’s
Short Story Slam Week 2
Nice theme! Touching and creative..
A sad conclusion to a dream job -very well told in 55 words.
That's very sad.
This is a great study in how to say a lot in very few words. So many emotions hitting so fat and furious.
Obviously--I hope--"fat" should have been "fast". Some typos can be quite funny!
I'll get this right yet!!
I thought a Centus was a challenge but saying so much in just 55 words...you did a great job with that!
jingle Belle...
Thanks for the 'Story'.
After all, thats what Flash Fiction should be.
Have a Kick Ass Week-End
awww that's such a touching story...
beautifully written Jingle
Thank you for stopping by! I really do appreciate your taking the time to leave a comment...I read each and everyone of them. I hope your day is a good one and that you will come back again soon. Take care. Nelson Souzza :)
Awww this is really, really sad!
I liked a lot your story though it made me feel sad :)
Nice story Jingle! You´re very talented. Thanks 4 everything.
Great job even though it is sad.
Well done
So many conflicting emotions but such is life. Wonderful take on the theme
Sad story, good job :)
Such a sad story in such a small package. sniff.
A sad little ending, well written
Well done Jingle ... it had all the elements of a good story.
Very well done. You told a complete story in so few words. You expressed joy, excitement and sadness. I enjoyed it very much. Blessings!
Compassionate story. It can be trying caring for a sick relative, but the heart usually holds out!
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