Sunday, July 3, 2011

Strawberry Emotions (Please Join Poetry Potluck Week 42 Today!)

Red with freckles,
Plump in sunlit gleam,
Fresher than pickles,
Perfect if served with ice cream.
Sisters and brothers,
Desires in their eyes,
Without permission of their mothers,
Swallow strawberry pies.
Tasty treat,
Strawberry emotions,
Succulent and sweet,
Juicy commotions !

My submission to Jingle Poetry Potluck Week 42,
And to Blaga’s spring favorite,
My favorite fruit is strawberries!

image credit:


Jesse.s.mitchell said...

I like this. cool.

The Poet said...

My wife is the strawberry lover. She will eat them until she's sick!

Lovely sentiments, Jingle.

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwww really nice descriptive piece. Enjoy the potluck!

Victoria said...

This is just precious. Bring on the strawberry pie!

Abhishek said...

The pictures sure made the poem cool!! This is awesome!! The picture with the two girls is so cute!!

Thanks for sharing!!

with warm regards
Another Author

Caroline said...

Beautiful !!

Blaga said...

Strawberry delight! Thanks for linking with the challenge!

JamieDedes said...

Nicely done. I like the change in the theme. Good stuff.

Happy Potluck. Not joining in formally, but will make visits if time allows.

Anonymous said...

Nice one.

Chim's World of Literature said...

aww this was sucha cute write.....i cant wait till spring time...

Anonymous said...

Lovely strawberry thoughts!

Bossy Betty said...

Very uplifting! Strawberries are my favorite too!

mindsinger said...

Ummmm! Strawberries fresh from the vine. As truly summer as cousins' frolics in rain puddles.

Jim said...

You pictures and the poems match very good. I like your description of 'strawberry,' especially the freckles part.

Serve them with ice cream and share with the brothers and sisters and you're ready for juicy sweet relations.

Thanks for dropping in on my OSI today. It was a fun post although I wasn't satisfied with the way I handled my own prompt. I swore last time that I would not ever suggest another. But there I went!

Anonymous said...

Mmmm now I want a Strawberry pie. Very charming Jingle!

Rek Sesh said...

Very refreshing and tasty like the strawberry you have spun the tale about.

Luke Prater said...

pickles with icecream? lol

Lolita said...

hola, gracias por visitarme.
Un abrazo,

Ravenblack said...

What a lovely picture. :)

Hildred said...

Perfect poem for strawberry time, and the pictures are lovely.

Reader Wil said...

The strawberry girl in the bottom photo could have been my Australian daughter! Lovely photos BTW!

Ingrid said...

Cute pictures !
I love strawberries !

Leckeres für Mensch und Katze said...

Sweet photos :)

jane said...

Beautiful poem and pics - I really crave for dish of strawberries at this moment! Jane

Jay said...

Awww...This is lovely. Made me crave for strawberries! :D said...

Bravo! So cheery, Ji, as always. Perfect also for Blaga's challenge. Nice work!

deeju said...

great blog layout and pictures. It really took me away to my childhood days. good work. Shall follow you.