Friday, April 29, 2011

Magpie Tale & A-Z: X=X-ray, Y=Yarn, Z=Zebra

There are lots of visions in me,
They appear as dreamy as they can be;
Whenever I feel sleep,
Things start to haunt me, so deep.
I see whisker-faced kitten,
Good and cute sheep,
yellow feet of a chicken,
and walkies-talkies that beep.
I also see faces that are tan,
golden rays of the sun,
stars and their many a fan,
plus smiles on people’s faces, yours and mine!
I see poetry on your web page,
arts hanging on back of your door,
the ballerina dancers on stage,
plus music you’ve never heard before.
I see cucumbers and tomatoes,
cauliflowers and potatoes,
roasted ham, crispy and golden,
plus blueberry muffins, hot from the oven.
I see spaceship,
birds passing over my head,
evidence of friendship,
plus sailboats facing waves with no dread.
Of course, reveries also roll inside me,
Yet I want them stay in dreams and float free.
when I wake up,
I will simply hang them up…




My entry for the following memes:

A-Z Challenge: X, Y, Z

and Magpie Tale #63

Thanks for reading, Happy Friday!



Loved this Jingle,

Have a good day.

Arlee Bird said...

Those are some interesting dream images. And the yarn on the tree is pretty cool.

Tossing It Out

Author Joshua Hoyt said...

That was a cool poem filled with great imagery. I love the picture of the yarn tree. It is so amazing what people do.

JM said...

very nice imagery. you always paint a picture with your words.

Bossy Betty said...

Love all the small, wonderful details here!

Rajlakshmi said...

what an imagination :D ... beautifully described.

Ruth said...

Very good, Jingle.

ZENDOM said...

your poems are so full of fun have a happy Spirit in you...keep them going as you rock as well(+)

ds said...

I never want to wake up either...

Mom Daughter Style said...

very nice pictures

Amanda said...

Nice poem, like a technicolor dream. :) The picture go well with it.


Thanks Jingle for the comment on my Z post.
Enjoy your week-end.

Joanne said...

I love this post! I especially love that tree with the yarn wrapped around it. very cool. Blessings, Joanne

Author Joshua Hoyt said...

Thanks for the visit and comments.

A Hootie Hoot said...

Love the poem! Always so creative! The yarn on the tree is a really cool picture!

Helena said...

An array of wonderful colours and thoughts here. I love it when we've been Jingled!!

Uma Anandane said...

I liked this one ..the images are colorful,so is the poem :)

jenn said...

you incorporate so many things in your work. :}

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Ah yes...there are some dreams that seem so real and the lovely ones, I would love to last longer :o)

Blessings & Aloha!
(Thank you so much for stopping by :o)


Great imagery and jingle there.I love the post.Good work done.Keep it coming.Meanwhile plz do pass by my blogs page read,follow and comment to aid me improve my works too.
Thank you.Lovely day.

Lu Ann said...

My God! How many things you see! I wish I could see as much things as you do :)

Blessings. Lu Ann

Salem Lorot said...

What a lovely poem. I love how you rhymed and still became faithful to an important message that you were passing across. I enjoyed this.

Ceebie said...

Wonderful dreamscape poem and images. Thanks for visiting my blog!

Celestial Dreamz said...

so beautifully you have created the image ... loved it.

Rek Sesh said...

Enjoyable and vivid imagery.

Title Loans said...

I would love a yarn tree of my own. The image is really cool. I wonder how much time, money and effort you would actually have to put in to make something like that.