Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A-Z Challenge=J, K: Jay...Knitting Project

Jay Is Just GREAT!

Jigsaw Puzzle Is Fun!

Knitting Project Is NEAT!

Kitten Is Cute!

A-Z Challenge: J, K,


Lorena G. Sims said...

Love the Jay. I had fun taking pictures of them in my back yard. I haven't seen any of them lately though.

Uma Anandane said...

All beautiful 'J' things..nice

kitkat said...

lovely pics!!

rcexam2007 said...

Photographs are so neat to take, view and share. Enjoyed your J-K entry! rcj

Rajlakshmi said...

:D cute post :D

Tracy said...

Awww, I like your J and K...the kitten is adorable and the blue jay stunning!
thanks for sharing and thank you for stopping by my house!

Rek Sesh said...

Lovely pictures...love the knits too.

Anonymous said...

Lovely photos of the Jay and the others, especially the cute little kitten. Appreciate all you do. Thanks for stopping and visiting. You inspire....Best wishes and Happy Creativity.

Donna K. Weaver said...

Nice pics. Calming

rcexam2007 said...

I left a comment previously, but forgot to thank you for visiting me at R.C.'s Twin Cities Beat and for leaving a comment! rcj

Catherine Denton said...

That knitting project is adorable! Thanks for visiting My Blog today!

Debra Gray-Elliott said...

So cute. Thank you for stopping by Writing with Debra and your kuddo's.

Plain Jane said...

I think you are the only person to have successfully combined jigsaw puzzles and kittens. I haven't been able to even start a puzzle since getting a kitty (or two) eleven years ago.

Caroline said...

Lovely & I love Blue Jays !!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

We should have the jays moving back in a few weeks...

I am soooo anxious for spring..

EG CameraGirl said...

Thanks for the smiles. :))

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

cute kitty and pretty jaybird... puzzles are fun! and hope your knitting projects is moving right along :o)

Blessings & Aloha!

Francisca said...

Lovely Jay!

storybeader said...

how cute! I love all the things that you chose, esp. jigsaw! {:-Deb

Donnie said...

That was fun to read. Good take on alphabet soup day.

Pondside said...

I like the little knit bit!

Dena E's Blog said...

THANKS Oooodles for your note yesterday...It really warmed my heart..May blessings and Love from God above be on you today and all week...Prayers and Hugs Dena
You were a bright spot in my day!!!

Anonymous said...

The pictures are such fun!

Susan Anderson said...

Nice little sampling!


Splendid Little Stars said...

What fun! great illustrations for J and K!

Judie said...

Great photos! I love the color of that yarn.

Ilene said...

You chose my favorites, particularly jigsaw puzzles and kittens.
I met you through A-Z. You've already visited my blog, http://www.betterthanordinary.blogspot.com

Barbara Rosenzweig said...

Blue Jays are so colorful, but such aggressive birds!
My daughter is the knitter in the family, but I get the benefits of seeing lovely work.

Jenny said...

Such a cute post Jingle! I really enjoyed all your cute pictures!

Thanks for linking up!


trisha said...

lovely photographs and beautiful captions.