Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sunday 160-Prudent Poets Glowing...

Of raindrops and growing
plants, of children
in their innocent smiles,
Prudent poets glowing
with their eloquent garden
of love, pain,
loses, or gain
in piles.


What can you say in 160 characters? (spaces included)

Check it out on Monkey Man.


THE BEATY said...

nice job so are you using 2 blogs now or...

♥ Kathy said...

Great job Ji!

Readers Dais said...

tough job ji..within a frame....
good one :)

william manson said...

lovely words culminating in a fabulous Sunday poem, loved it, take care keep smilin xx

Jen said...

What a pleasant picture you have painted with your words...I have the urge to go outside now.

Brian Miller said...

nice 160...we are all different aspects of the garden...even the weeds bring value. smiles.

Felicitas said...

A terrific 160, Jingle! Springtime inspires many of us.

Deanna said...

Great 160 words. Thanks for stopping by my blog.


Eddie said...

Nice one Ji, and thanks for your visits to my blog.

Eddie said...

Hi Jingle, nice work, well done..... Thanks for stopping by @ my blog.

Monkey Man said...

A fine 160, Ji. Thank you for participating. Not too many have accepted the challenge and been successful

natalee said...

i love this!!!! your imagery is amazing

Unknown said...

Well done Jingle!
I know what the problem was, about my page taking too long to load. thank you for mentioning it to me...

tattytiara said...

That was very cool.

Cindy said...

Hi Jingle, nice job. you paid me a visit, now you have another follower. take care, and thanks for the comment you left on my blog.

Birdie said...

Jingle, thanks for visiting :-) I like your poems :-) I'll be back to read more, I wish I would be so gifted to write poems but I'm not :-) and especially not in English ... lol nevertheless I do enjoy read other people's poetry :-)) have a lovely day

Anonymous said...

Nice 160. Very well written...:)
Have a good day!

suryagni said...

lovely. very lovely.

Zuzana said...

So short, yet so poignant and touching.;) I admire all of you who can write such evocative pieces with such an eloquence, with only so few words.;)
Thank you so much for your visit today and lovely comments,

DuDo said...

short and sweet!!! A lot can be said in just a few words!!! :)

suryagni said...

beautiful :)

Suz said...

very good