Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Quick, Quick, Take A Break!

Quack, quack,
Says the duck;
Quick, quick,
Take a break;
Quiet, quiet,
Quit the quarrel,
Quality VS quantity,
Be qualified to reach eternity,
quiz questions on infinity,
Never quails before difficulty;
Quotes, quilts, and a queen,
Make quite elegant sheen.


Alphabe-Thursday: Q Is 4...

A Blizzard hits my place, school is closed, no way to drive, I simply wish to stay in bed and never get up, (kidding!)

Hope you well, Happy Wednesday!


Gandhali said...

lovely room!

Anonymous said...

That poem is too cute!


Lovely poem loved the read.


Kris McCracken said...

That's a lot of mauve.

Anonymous said...

fantastic poem and gorgeous room :)


Bossy Betty said...

Love the advice in this poem! I'll take it!

Wine and Words said...

Lost in the Que's :)
A lifting poem for hump day. Onward...to TGIF.

Rosaria Williams said...

Oh, how lovely! Stay warm and out of the blizzard!
Thanks so much for your continuous support, dear Jingle.

Dave King said...

Not sure which I liked most - the room or the poem.

Denise said...

Great place to be confined, if you must be.
Sweet poem too!

Anonymous said...

I loved reading the poem. The words are still tumbling in my head.

Becky said...

Well, it's a lovely room to crawl back into bed. Cute poem, too.

Judie said...

I'm wondering if anyone actually lives in that beautiful room! It is way too clean and organized!
You always write great poems!!

EG CameraGirl said...

Enjoyed your poem! Sorry about the blizzard!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Whose room is that? My young girl students say their favorite color is pink and purple. I am sure they will like this room.

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

How pretty! I wouldn't mind being snowed in if I could stay there!

Vintagesouthernlife said...

Cute poem and beautiful room. I could deal with being snowed in there.

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Wonderful and cute poem!

I love that color in the room..

Teresa said...

What a fun little Q poem!

Ames said...

Liked your poem. I think you should show us how he room really looks. This one looks like it came straight out of a magazine. Nice!!

Rachel Hoyt said...

So many Q's... I love it!

Selina Kingston said...


Unknown said...

Cute poem! Love all the 'Q' words you used :) That room is quite organized! Is it really your room?

Theresa Plas said...

Quite inviting! Clever poem Jingle:) Happy Q day!

Susan Anderson said...



Jenny said...

What a beautiful room.

And what a clever, clever post.

I read this out loud and I loved the way the words rolled off my tongue.

Thanks for a wonderful link Jingle.

You always make me smile.


Francis Morilao said...

i like it… thanks for visiting my blog Jingle

william manson said...

a fun, well written poem xxx

Amanda Lee said...

It looks like, with the blizzard, you get to take that break!

mrs. c said...

The poem fits the bedroom, darling! Thanks for commenting on my blog.

Pondside said...

Clever you!...and a sweet room.

H said...

School closed sounds good! Enjoy your day!

Priyanka Bhowmick said...

very cute words and poem..

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Quack, Quack. I like your poem a lot. Definitely wise words to heed. Some days, I wish I could just stay in bed and read, sleep, watch movies, and sleep all day.

JamieDedes said...

This is clever!

A blizzard. On no. Hope it's over by now. Stay warm and dry...