Friday, April 23, 2010

I Have Lost My Common Sense

I have lost my common sense,
I don't know what's in your mind,
The uneasiness appears so tense,
I feel the urge to unwind.
You have captured my heart inchly,
i dreamed about being with you,
body and soul,
I remind myself not to give up easily,
I plant something new
So that life is to grow.
At times genuine passion
do the cost,
Facts mingle with fiction,
I find my senses lost.


Anya said...


so funny lines :))))
Thanks for the smile ^___^

Enjoy your weekend

Brian Miller said...

nice one ji!

Wordwand said...

well done jingle, and a smart blog .happy to discover it.

william manson said...

ah at long last wow, lol, cool blog ji, have saved it so I know when u post, cool poem xxx u are the best , keep smilin xx

Sherry said...

Hi Jingle - I got your message on my blog about the poetry invite. I've been really busy the last few days, but I will take a look soon! Thanks!

DuDo said...

A commendable post u got there Ji."I guess even i lost my senses" :)

Jen said...

I can relate to this one. It doesn't matter how old we get, we lose our heads and our common sense when we develop a crush...

King of New York Hacks said...

great post , great blog...inspires me to maybe post some of the poetry I've written myself...we'll see..

Cloudia said...


Aloha from Waikiki

Comfort Spiral

Sheri said...

hey jingle, really nice to see you on blogspot! you are so generous with your comments...thanks so much for always being such an encouragement!

Unknown said...

Very cool writing, Jingle!
Glad to see some of your works here.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jingle. That was great. I am new here and glad I found your blog. I am your newest follower.
Have a good day...:)

Lucy said...

Very cute and so true!

Readers Dais said...

a confused and burning mind do lose its sense,
the poem makes real sense...

♥ Kathy said...

That was cool :) Are you staying on Blogger now or doing both blogs?

Dreamhaven said...

I enjoyed this very much. Thanks for visiting my blog

e.a.s. demers said...

Well done! I liked this one very much :-)