Thursday, April 29, 2010

55-You Have...I Have...

You have a wife to defend,
I have a garden to tend.
You have kids to raise,
I have roses to praise.
You have bills to pay,
I have weeds to weed.
You have floor to mop,
I have tools to shop.
You have family, friends
And love to share,
I have flowers to spare.

Write a poem that is fiction in 55 words. Give it a try and notify G-man
I used web tool to count my writing which is exactly 55 words… WORDCALCULATOR
I love comments, I value your opinions, I treasure your time here. Thus, PLEASE,
After you comment on my 55, please remember to take awards with you before you leave,
it is posted on my previous post. From Friends, To Friends.
Thanks a Ton!


Danielle said...

Loving the poem! Great job!

♥ Kathy said...

I like flowers and I like your story :)

g-man said...

Very nice....
The excellent 55, AND the ease of navigation!!
Thank you so much for this wonderful contribution.
And thanks for going High-Tech.
Have a Kick Ass Week-End...G

Anonymous said...

Great job! like it! I really am going to try 55 sometime...don't know if mine will make sense, seems hard to do, but you do it well.

Brian Miller said...

in the end i think both have their hands full. smiles. nice 55 jingle...

THE BEATY said...

great job love your style

Cindy said...

Lovely, I might just try this sometime, loved it. take care.

Stan Ski said...

Say it with flowers...

Changnoi said...

Yes Man has the world to save.

moondustwriter said...

Delightful 55

I'm amazed at all you do

love and hugs

Unknown said...

Well done, Jingle!
love you!

Readers Dais said...

Hi! Jingle,

well written, especially in a frame of 55, its difficult to bring out a theme and u ave done it :)

viddhi said...

beautiful it is ....nice !

Anonymous said...

I loved it. Nicely written...:)
Happy Friday!

Sheri said...

jingle, what a great 55 you've written...i love coming to your blog!

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

Everyone has something, not everyone realizes it though. Niiice 55!

My apologies for not understanding your comments on my blog. I would like to claim your award for my blog, do I just copy and paste and can I still nominate my favorite blog.

Eaton. :))

John (@bookdreamer) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
järnebrand said...

Well done! I totally love the flow here. :) Have a great weekend, Jingle! Hugs/ Jo.

John (@bookdreamer) said...

oops wrong link. That was a clever bitter-sweet poem.Gone for a poem this week based on the Etheree form created about twenty years ago by an Arkansas poet named Etheree Taylor Armstrong It normally consists of ten lines of unmetered and unrhymed verse, the first line having one syllable, each succeeding line adding a syllable. I added an extra row for the word count and the punch line. See what I mean here.

Hootin Anni said...

My goodness....I think I just read about my own life. This was super.

Mine this week is DOUBLE STANDARD As always, scroll down a bit, below my Friday's Show n Tell.

Have a super weekend fellow 55'r!!

Kristine said...

oh lovely. It's spring time too, and the flowers have come alive. Have a beautiful spring weekend. Mine is up too:

clean and crazy said...


sweet but sad to see there seems to be loneliness at the garden. i too have a garden, just not so lush..

Kimberly said...

That is adorable!

buffalodick said...

Clever and very good!

Alice Audrey said...

No offense, but I'd rather have family than roses.

Dulçe ♥ said...

Beautiful, mere reality so well stated in a 55!

Andy Sewina said...

Yeah, I quite like the end rhymes here.

william manson said...

well said, great 55 xxx

Nara Malone said...

I like the comparison of two beautiful, productive lives.

PattiKen said...

I know I am stereotyping, and thus could be all wrong. But I love what seemed like the shift in voice from female to male and back to female.

JB said...

really like that! especially the "flowers to spare.."

Akelamalu said...

Always take time to admire the flowers! Lovely 55 :)

One Prayer Girl said...

That gardening life sure sounds appealing. Alas, my thumbs are so brown I can't tell them apart from the surrounding earth. :)


Felicitas said...

This is a really lovely 55, Jingle!

suryagni said...

simply fantastic.