Monday, May 17, 2010

Micro-fiction Monday Week 4-I Am Wondering...

I have spent a few weeks preparing six jars of gifts,
I am wondering how can I send them to my son
who is serving in Iraq for his birthday?

Hello, How Are You?
Welcome to Micro-fiction Monday week 4 entry.
Where the picture paints 140 characters, or even fewer.
The story is in 139 characters.
For more information, check it out at
Stony River by Susan at:
Happy Monday Evening!
Happy Tuesday!


Anonymous said...

Very well done and so thoughtful. :)

Unknown said...

Lovely, well done.

Thanks for visiting my blog, and commenting.

Enjoyed your blog a lot.

Anya said...

he is far away !!!!
Happy Birthday for your son :))

Caroline said...

Happy Birthday to your son and very well done. :)

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nancy said...

Whoops, just read the last comment by you that said this was fiction. Well then it was well done!

Nancy said...

Happy birthday to your son!

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

I hope the gifts arrive safely with your son. So far away from home yet still sharing in your love.

island of peace said...

wonderful 160.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful 160. Good job. I just read your comment on this post being a fiction...:)


Vanessa said...

Very nicely done Jingle! Keep it up!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

I like this...and love the little fairy...

Michelle said...

What a wonderful idea.
I pray they get to him.

J Cosmo Newbery said...

I've done home preserving - they may be classified as an improvised explosive device.

Rob said...

Thanks for the stopping by my blog Jingle. And thanks for the comment.

the walking man said...

Lots of bubble wrap and a sturdy box. May the lad have a well spent birthday in peace and quiet.

buffalodick said...

I sent beef jerky vacuumed packed to Iraq to a Marine that will be in my house Wed.(in from Phoenix)he's been out a couple of years now- my sons best friend...

Kirigalpoththa said...

My best wishes to your son for his coming birthday! :)

Maude Lynn said...

Very carefully!

Unknown said...

What a wonderful mom! Very nice!!

Liz Mays said...

He will really enjoy those so I hope you figure out how to send them!

Sam Liu said...

Great bit of fiction, and the picture accompanies it perfectly :D

Ronda Laveen said...

Mmmm...looks like cherries in one of those jars. I'd make micro-fiction out of that jar in a hurry.

Sylvia K said...

Great one for the day, Jingle! And Happy Birthday to the son you do have!! Have a great week!


Joanna Jenkins said...

I hope you can get those jars of goodies to your son. HE WILL LOVE your taste from home.

Happy Birthday to your son!


Rajlakshmi said...

wow that is so beautifully done :D

Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

A really Thoughtful and Poignant Post Jingle, Nicely done.

william manson said...

u are the best this was fab a sixties word lol fab xxx

Dulçe ♥ said...

I love it... you smart lady!

Alexandra said...

Love these retro housewives pictures!

The Blonde Duck said...

How sweet!

Jen said...

Good thing she made 6 jars. He'll want to share with his buddies.

BECKY said...

Hi Jingle. So good! (and I love the water fall picture and your haiku!

Michael G-G said...

This is great, Jingle. Have a great week.

Akelamalu said...

Such a thoughtful Microfiction.

jabblog said...

An unusual take on the prompt - well done :-)