Thursday, July 29, 2010

Magpie Tale-Solutions Are Sought 2 Solve Problems

While people struggle to gain power,
They also taste bitterness, both sweet and sour.
When plants are abused by showers,
The Garden can barely bear any flowers.
Before it is too late,
I must apply my spade and rake,
And do whatever it will take,
To restore order for goodness' sake.
I turn the soil loose and flat,
I sow fresh seeds out,
Not sure what I will get,
But keep trying is what life is all about.
The soil may be irrigated by tides,
A virus may eat the heart out of my sides.
I don't know what type of plant survives
As time and nature sluice away our lives.
Solutions are sought 2 solve problems,
Keys are applied to unlock doors.
How a key fits into a key hole to do wonders,
It depends on concrete situations of yours.

This is an entry 4 Magpie Tale hosted by Willow at
Happy Reading!
Happy Creative Writing!


Sheri said...

jingle, this is fantastic writing and i wanted to tell you how much i enjoyed it! great magpie, for sure!!

sandy said...

Nice poem, I especially like the last stanza. Really enjoyed this.

signed...bkm said...

Brillant Jingle - love the last 2 lines...that concrete situation of yours...nice magpie..bkm

Lourie said...

Wonderful! Wonderful! I really enjoyed this one.

joanna said...


this is very creative writing, I really enjoyed it.

My server was down today and wondering about week 26?


Maude Lynn said...

What a beautiful response to the prompt!

Caroline said...

What a lovley blog you have. Thanks very much - I throroughly enjoyed browsing and reading.


Wonderful, writing Jingle such a pleasure to visit your site.


Unknown said...

You have done it again Jingle. This is brilliant. Well done.

Anonymous said...

Its the uncertainity tat gnaws everyone... nice work :D

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this post. This was fantastic writing. Well done Jingle.

Caty said...

fantastic magpie...and really good writing :)

clean and crazy said...

creative and beautiful. such a talent and joy to have you in our blogging community

Unknown said...

This is lovely! I enjoyed reading it.

swputh said...

wonderful writing... 'How a key fits into a key hole to do wonders' this line i liked the most because of its simplicity and truth!

flaubert said...

Nicely penned Jingle!

Claudya Martinez said...

Very nice, put me in a contemplative mood.

Kathe W. said...

I really like the shift from gardening to solutions-great magpie!

TALON said...

I love the word "sluice" and especially how you used it in your poem, Jingle. You're right - we do have to keep trying to find just the right key.

william manson said...

sluice is a really old word, well written ji, awsome xxx

JBSTUFF said...

Hey Jingle thanks for the visit and comments. I will be comimg back and checking out your stuff. Like what I see so far.

Sam Liu said...

Brilliant, Jingle, utterly brilliant! I love your interpretation of the prompt, as seeing the keyhole as a symbol of problems and their solutions. You express a really uplifting and true message in this poem, and it is a joy to read :)

Suz said...

nice magpie Jingle

River-Rose said...

There are times when one just has to push up their sleeves and get the job done!

Kristin said...

This is stunning! I think it may be my favorite . . . just perfect, Kristin xo

Gabriela Abalo said...

A fantastic, inspiring Magpie.

Thanks for sharing

Jodi said...

I'm not too familiar with magpie tales, but holy moly, your poem is cool.

The Write Girl said...

Clever writing here...nicely done. Hope you have a great weekend.

Life@Cee said...

Your hopefulness shines through your poetry.

scraps of starlight said...

Incredible writing.
So much there.
Yes, the raking and weeding is so nessecary.
Sometimes a garden just needs to be left a while to rest as farmers sometimes leave their fields to grow wild for a season.
So that they can flourish richly again and feed others from their store.

Birdie said...

Jingle, what a fun and pleasure to read this poem!! have a great weekend :-)

Nikki (Sarah) said...

wow...great poem...

izzy said...

Too many tears do wash out
bodies, gardens and lives!
love the word ' sluice'.
Rhyme for every line is exhausting, no ?
I rolled to: every other line and then one per stanza- sometimes when I get in the mood I play with
it again! Thanks !

annell4 said...

I enjoyed this so much! Put me a special kind of rhythm, and now I return to my work, taking the memory of your poem with me. Thank you.

Heather Mattern said...

Such beautiful imagery in your writing! I cant wait to browse your blog more! I adore your style! Very creative! said...

So many different ways to open doors... may you find the one that works for you!

Helen said...

Gardening is always about finding solutions ... so beautifully composed.

Cheryl said...

You have a gift for putting things into perspective with your writing.

olivia said...

Thanks for stopping by Of Such is the Kingdom's big blog party! I hope you'll come back!

Unknown said...

thank you for the kind comment Jingle...
I see you know Willow as well...
I always enjoy these magpie tales

Natalie said...

Thanks for stopping by my place, Jingle! What an interesting corner of the blogosphere you have here. Thanks for making me think :)

Catalyst said...

Very intelligent, Jingle.

Tess Kincaid said...

Nice Magpie, Jingle!

g-man said...

Jingle Belle...
I couldn't access your 55!!

This though, was terrific!

Lyn said...

This is very good writing...Amazing what you see!!

Ankita Singhal said...

you're an amazing writer... are you published.. i mean you must be.. you 're so talented..
you are a BLOGGER's KING..

Tattered and Lost said...

Very nice. Very calming rhythm.

Alexis AKA MOM said...

as always a great poem. I love the part about keys I find that true about my life.

Tumblewords: said...

Wonderful! Wonderful!

ninotaziz said...

Love the sing song quality of your poetry. Word play too! Well done!

JamieDedes said...

Perfect poem, perfectly written. You have such high ideals, Ji. Admirable.