Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Monday's Child Week 2-Life Goes On

Image by Bernhard Oberdieck provided by Monday's Child

The following poem is an entry for Monday's Child prompt 2, a fresh weekly meme which encourages talented writers to create a children's story or verse in response to an image provided. Please check it out at www.childrensverse.blogspot.com for details.


Tissue by tissue to a soul one grows,
As leaf by leaf the trees become trees,
Day by day, one learns and sows,
When the sun has fun seeing breeze.


Seeds of hope give one wings to fly,
One either winnowed to earth or whirled to the sky.
Life goes on,
Some survive while others die.


Wrinkles of a splash, on the water cease,
Body and soul, bend and stretch like these.
Elements to elements, cells to cells,
Individuals to individuals, dream for peace.


Feel the coolness when cool winds blow,
Listen to the music when the lure vibrates with its bow.
Giggle baby alike while enjoy the nature's show,
Mark down your innocence when the days are covered with snow.


Julia Christie said...

Great imagery.


Kristin said...

This is beautiful! I love the last line especially. Thank you for your sweet comment - I am so happy to meet you and get to know you better through Monday's Child - I am really loving it, Kristin xo

signed...bkm said...

"Seeds of hope gives one wings to fly"

Just lovely Jingle - beautiful verse and you have helped to give Monday's Child "wings to fly"....I thank you so very much....blessings...bkm

TALON said...

So pretty, Jingle!

Muthering Heights said...

That's lovely!

g-man said...

Jingle Belle...
You are so talented and sweet...
Thank you....

Rosaria Williams said...

Fun! How do you do it every week?

alady'slife said...

tissue by tissue.... Thats lovely
Very nicely done.

Unknown said...

love this Jingle, specially the last line

Hzave a good week

Caroline said...

So beautiful !!



Really beautiful


joanna said...


Now package them in a pretty little book, for we so need 'new' verses for our dear little ones to grow by.



Heff said...

That's great. At first, I thought the poem was gonna be about toilet paper.

Peggy said...


Wow, you are a talented writer.
I felt each word, just beautiful!
Have a great evening my frend!

Rajlakshmi said...

Lovely write ... beautifully picturised.

Lyn said...

So full of changes and possibilities..love it!

william manson said...


Maude Lynn said...

Lovely imagery in this one.

Amy said...

great writing.. Have a wonderful night..

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

This is a lovely and lyrical poem. I like the idea of Monday's Child...all children should be introduced to poetry and what better way than to write your own?

Alexis AKA MOM said...

Just beautiful as always :)

More Than Words said...

So beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Lovely imagery. This was beautiful writing, Jingle...:)

Shrinky said...

What a sweet verse, Jingle!

Anonymous said...

I like this... it gives one a sense of everchanging life...
thanks for sharing your lovely work! :) The Bach

buffalodick said...

Innocence lost..

Unknown said...

it is really pretty....i enjoy your poems and thanks for the visit to my blog too......

justsomethoughts... said...

very pretty

Claudia said...

Tissue by tissue to a soul one grows...beautiful!

DuDo said...

nice poems :) loved reading it :)

Jesson Balaoing said...

love this post!

Kristin said...

Hi again!
Thank you so much for your visit and for the beautiful offer - it was so kind of you! Kristin xo

lissa said...

I like the part about the 'wings to fly' like our words or actions or our imagination will help us carry us on

Michelle said...

I can just imagine the seeds of hope.
They certainly give wings to fly.

Thanks Jingle<3

tess said...

I just love "mark down your innocence...." Brilliant metaphor.