A frog is a frog,
A toad is a toad,
A frog loves a log,
A toad crawls on a road.
When a toad wants to be a frog,
He is daydreaming.
When a toad is disguised as a frog,
He is self-insulting.
Be yourself,
Don’t lie!
Respect others,
Stop stirring up a fire.
Flash Friday 55 is hosted by G-man at
thats a cute poem :)
I love this so cute !!
Have a great day !!
So very true...lovely poem! :-)
Cute and a lesson.. well done.
Ah - a good lesson to all of us. We just need to be ourselves. Great poem!
Very good on a most unusual subject, very cleverly written.
Hop, skip and a jump
The frog sees the hump
He pops over to the lily pad
Big smile on his face as he is so glad
Staring and gazing watching in his eyes
Out lashes his tongue, hey he has a fly
enjoy always Jingle and Happy Thursday to ya(+)
awe very sweet dear xx
Wisdom behind such cuteness; this poem. Nicely written, dear :)
This would make a great children's poem.
its so cute
id love to be part of the poets rally week
I wanna be a frog ;)
Wow! I especially love the lines, "When a toad wants to be a frog,
He is daydreaming.
When a toad is disguised as a frog,
He is self-insulting."...your poetry is light and yet, at the same time profound! ~Janine XO
Jingle Belle....
Let sleeping dogs lie...
Thanks for playing, you have always been very supportive of Friday Flash 55.I appreciate it.
Have a Quiet and Relaxed Week-End!
This is a wonderful 55 - love it!
Thank you for that. Great words to live by.
Sweet cute poem.. Lovely.. Mine is up Ji...
--Someone Is Special--
Dear Jingle, I would like to thank you for your interest in my blog and all your fantastic comments. It is easy to lose heart when one is attempting to create poetry, and support such as yours goes a long way to keeping the spirit alive. Even a frog in a bog needs a circle of fireflies to sing to!
Timely reminder. Be yourself. Good advice.
Excellent....so very excellent!!!
"Pop...goes the weasel" is my link to my 55...just scroll down below the Halloween part. I do hope you can find time to visit with me! Have a super Friday, and a blessed weekend.
Interesting and cute poem...
good advice from the frog & toad! :)
I wrote a haiku about a toad once, but I'm too lazy to search for it.
Cute 55, Jingle!
that is a wonderful poem.. So true. Have a great weekend.
Well played, Jingle. Great 55.
Cool. Yep, be yourself!
I love your kids' poetry!
I especially love the picture; he looks so happy! :)
He's saying "I'm glad to be me, even if I do have three toes on one foot and four on the other." :)
Thanks for doing Friday 55! :)
Mine's been posted here since last night, but it's taken me this long to visit and leave comments. Sorry about that.
this is quite amusing and entertaining, jingle!
Thanks for all your encouraging comments on my site. My kids collect frogs all summer long...and an occasional toad too.
They know the difference and would smell out a frog impersonator with one nostril. blessings!
hahahha! I love it! I have to share this one with my mom. She collects frogs due to a long running joke.
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