You can worship me,
You need to carry your own identity.
I see,
You cannot please everybody,
I agree,
You certainly will become somebody.
You don't have to fear those foes,
You do need to make friends with pros.
Reach 4 the star,
Me, while driving your own car.
I feel weird to write this one, but it fits the following memes:
G-Man’s Flash Friday 55
Thursday Thinking Tank (Weird)
Happy Writing!
Happy December!
Hey, how did you know I worship you? (LOL!)
Pretty weird, Jingle! But it seems to make sense to me.
(Maybe that's because I'm so weird?)
Mission accomplished. Like Eric's take.
Weird is good. We all have more than our share, we just cover it up with normalcy. I like what you wrote.
lol, I like it, quite original :)
I love "but you need to carry your own identity". Cool poem.
There's something pretty important here....... follow others but drive your own car!
Isn't it fun how even when you are purposefully being weird it can make sense?
It is weird, but great. It gives one the idea that even if you have a hero, you should go on your own way in life.
It is different!! But fun!!
A poem with a positive inside to it!
Some weirdness attached also.
I enjoyed reading this very much and all in 55 words!
Best wishes, Eileen
awsome. Turned out great
The message I get is -- "be true to yourself" and that's an awesome message, Jingle.
Jingle Belle...
Make sure you buckle your seat belt.
Most excellent 55.
Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End
You say weird. I say fun! Like this one.
Ji, this poemis a little bit different....
It's different but I def like it !!
Seems to make sense to me too in an odd way. I liked it.
I don't think this is weird at all..rockin' that 55!
As long as they don't follow so closely they're on my bumper!!
My 55 is posted!! Here is the link for you.
This is too good ji.. Well I am missing Thursday Poets Rally this week due to the tight schedule in office Ji..
--Someone is Special--
Jingle bells, jingle bells, it is your season. And thanks for the little gift you left at my site. And here's one for you in return, liked your write about weird. Thank you.
well, it might be weird but it was beautiful too. :)
I loved the rhythm to this piece, Jingle! It's a little bit weird, and a whole lot inspiring...very clever altogether...:)
Hmm, yes a little weird, but fun too.
And like Myrna said, weird is good, nothing wrong with weird, there's some in all of us.
Very thought provoking!
cute poem my Dearest Jingle and also to the point in the end...LOL...enjoy and Happy Saturday to ya as well(+)
I like this one :) A very happy December to you too :)
Excellent. Something every young person should read.
Follow me but drive your own care. Fabulous!
you can not please everybody...so true...we shouldn't even try but rather try finding our way on this highway
Independence I hear here -- Here! Here!
tis a funny jingle, to be true...but it was fun to read and follow.
Open message in a free format.
thank you for sharing.
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