Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sunday 160-How Can Life Keep Its Course...?

How can life keep its course
If one won't let it flow?
Those who flow
As life flows know
They need no more force,
no wear,
no tear,
no mending,
no repair.

What can you say in 160 characters? (spaces included)

Check it out on Monkey Man at

The poem is actually a *quote*, Jingle modified it to make a Sunday 160.

Many thanks for reading it.

Have A Sunny & Funny Sunday!


Alexis AKA MOM said...

Beautiful I no that feeling exactly right now! Thanks for the beautiful post :)

Unknown said...

This is a quote? in chinese?
sounds familiar..
well done..

Katherine said...

A lovely 160 Jingle!

ilovepink said...

Very interesting post. I like the background (scenery). It really fits to words.

Keep it up.

island of peace said...

Jingle this is fabulous and so is the picture you added with it.

Brian Miller said...

rolling with the flow is the way to go...nice 160.

Shriti said...

really beautiful xD

Sheri said...

jingle, this IS beautiful! and i have the feeling that everything you touch turns into 'flow', and quite naturally! a very nice 160!

Selina Kingston said...

Gosh those two lines have really struck me. They have become my thought for the day - thank you x

Sam Liu said...

Wonderful 160, very poignant, very beautiful. I loved the photograph too :)

Maude Lynn said...

Well done, Jingle!

Caty said...

loved those words...

buffalodick said...

How much time do we try to swim upstream, to find it was all for naught...

Wings1295 said...

Yo, I like your flow. You know?

From Joe.

Zuzana said...

That was beautiful and so true...
And something perfect for me to read today.
Hope you are having a lovely Sunday,

Vicki Lane said...

Nice 160 -- nice photo!

LadyFi said...

Beautiful and true... but it takes practice to go with the flow.

Lisa said...

As powerful as the picture.

Happy Sunday to you too. Really nice meeting you.

Readers Dais said...

life is to flow
lets let it to flow

Monkey Man said...

What a beautiful quote. Thanks for sharing it with us and for making it into a Sunday 160. Love the illustration - very powerful.

natalee said...

that was sooo true and beautiful!!!!!!

william manson said...

very nice indeed, what can u say eh, a lot as u always do xxxx

Tracie said...

Beautiful words and picture.

Hope you are having a great weekend!

Parsley said...

So glad you stopped by to comment on my blog. I just signed up to follow your blog and you are welcome to follow mine, if you want.

Jen said...

This reminds me of Bruce Lee's quote on water.

Parsley said...

So sorry Jingle! I am so happy you follow my blog. I just missed spaced out about it. Forgive my foggy mind.

Anonymous said...

I love the question being asked.

Anonymous said...

Love it! Happy Sunday:)

Susie said...

Such a wonderful post!

ZENDOM said...

The flow of life begins right here
The time stepping into it also draws near
But time is irrelevant when one sees ahead
The relative spot where you stand matters instead
While the whole world around you in quandry and trouble
You will be going with the flow with smiles on the double

enjoy Jingle and Happy Monday to you as I cannot match the 160 mark but still with a flow(+)

Life Is A Road Trip said...

Very nice poem and I love the picture!

steveroni said...

Like "Ole Man River--He just keeps rollin' along....."

Vanessa said...

Hi Jingle!

That is a beautiful poem, and a beautiful picture! Have a great day!

Sheri said...

no, no, NO, a thousand times no-am i going to stop coming by every single day that i can because you make my day so nice, jingle :) thank you for so many kind words, my friend!!

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Thats very clever.
Good Sabith Day to you also.

Anonymous said...

Awesome 160. Way to go. I enjoyed it very much...:)

Caroline said...

I loved it !!

JB said...

that was really lovely :)

Kirigalpoththa said...

I like this picture!

Unknown said...

Very nice. Go with the flow, that's the way to be