Friday, September 10, 2010

55-If U R A Wall

Being a piece of wall
is not enjoyable at all.
Unlike a door
that opens and closes,
I am grounded on the floor,
Listening to life's imperfect proses.
I spy ghosts
Winking at 55 word challenge posts.
I protect,
I also reflect
and detect.
If u r a wall,
how would u feel after all?


Flash Friday 55 is hosted by G-man at:

This is entered for Thursday Thinking Tank-Wall at Poets United


Anonymous said...

Excellent my friend. The Wall knows all it seems to me :)

DrSoosie said...

Walls can be good and bad. They protect us from certain things and yet they can also isolate us. This is a predicament.

Caroline said...

That is beautiful & a wall is so important too.


Kathe W. said...

bricked up and stonewalled
nice 55!

G-Man said...

Jingle Belle...
No wall is too tall to climb with a little help.
Loved your 55..
Thanks for visiting, and always posting a Class Contribution..
Have a Kick Ass Week-End...G

Bubba said...

Like a wall, your 55 is solid and up-standing, Jingle!

Have a great weekend!


This wall can be a safe guard or a prison . only the individual can determine which wall this is.


Sam Liu said...

Wonderful and charming, Jingle. Your 55 reminds me of that brilliant part in "A Midsummer Night's Dream" where one of the Mechanicals has to play a wall in their drama :D

Carrie Van Horn said...

Jingle this is truly wonderful!

Unknown said...

Very nice! I love the 55's! I REALLY have to try one soon! happy weekend!

Weasel said...

Wonderful work, Jingle! =)


ds said...

This is great! So well done--how would a wall feel? (and don't we all build them) Thank you.

TALON said...

Enjoyed this, Jingle. I've climbed a few walls in my day, but I never thought about how they might feel about it - lol!

william manson said...

brilliant dear, a wall has many uses and can also be used to hide things xx

Philip Thrift said...

I fall for your wall poem!

Eileen T O'Neill ..... said...

Your words are appreciative of walls.........
Protection and security.
A place to go.......
Nice poetry prompt,

Someone is Special said...

Lovely Poem Jingle.. Wall at its best...

--Someone Is Special--

Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful poem. It looks more like an Ebenezer than a wall.

Myrna R. said...

So imaginative. Fun to read. Thanks.

Caty said...

this was a lot of fun. Puts the mind to thinking ;)

RiikaInfinityy said...

Sounds fun and cute!:3 I love it =P Thank for sharing Jingle :D

डा0 हेमंत कुमार ♠ Dr Hemant Kumar said...

Wall has many aspect of life---it protect,it reflect,it give you security --and in other aspect it is symbol of hurdle also.....overall it's nice poetry.

izzy said...

I love the first half ! you allowed yourself to be inside- the weight, the infrequent steps, passing shadows.
That wall at least is porous so when you became fearful, impatient, you had a way out and made like a ghost-

Deborah said...

I absolutely loved this! :o)

flaubert said...

Love the rhyming Jingle!

Bossy Betty said...

I'm thinking I might like to be part of a wall....

Loved this poem, Jingle!

Anonymous said...

I loved the musical flow of this poem, Jingle...a dance of words in my head...:)

ZENDOM said...

What is that in front of me
It is so tall I cannot see
Is it an obstacle made of block
Such structure stronger than rock
With no opening it is no door
It is a wall, and what is it for?

enjoy Jingle and Happy Saturday to ya(+)

magiceye said...

good one!

Teresa said...

A very creative Ode to a wall. I love it!

DesignTies said...

Fun poem :-)

There's a tree museum in Switzerland where each tree is in front of a stone wall. The walls are amazing backdrops for the trees. If I were one of those walls, I'd actually be pretty happy :-)


Mona said...

That is a beautiful poem on the autobiography of a wall :)

Shriti said...

sweeet jingle X)

Kerry O'Connor said...


ninotaziz said...

Dear Jingle,
Your empathy can even feel for the wall!


Akelamalu said...

Walls are supportive!

Nice 55.

Ella said...

Well done, I agree with Yvonne~
Walls can be good or bad, it is how it effects one's life! Great imagery!

Amy said...

hope you are having a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Definitely makes you think !!! good one Jingle :D

Anonymous said...

Lovely take on the prompt my dear- me likey!!!

Alice Audrey said...

I think if I were a wall I'd feel very solid. I might not mind that.

John (@bookdreamer) said...

As a wall, I stall those that ball and shout so that you can call the shots...Belated thanks for reading my Friday 55. Hope your week goes well

lime said...

depends on the purpose of the is part of a home or a prison?

Sheila said...

great 55! walls have feelings? i always thought they held them in or kept them out. Nice perspective!

Lourie said...

If these walls could talk, the stories they would tell! Great post.

rch said...

Nice brickwork my friend ;)