Monday, May 23, 2016

amazing folks

Image result for ossm and grace lu        grace lu and friends

Image result for ossm and grace lu  mary fallin and ossm staff

Image result for marie nguyen and ou daily  marie nguyen and ou daily 

Image result for tu jun  Jun Tu

Image result for lu xiaohua     Qian Yu and Xiaohua Lu

Image result for nguyen tu and ossm    Nguyen Tu

Friday, May 6, 2016

Black and White Wednesday, Sunday's Whirligig, the Sunday Whirl, Jingle Poetry at Olive Garden, Year 5, and poetry inquiry

Black & White Wednesday ~ Fenway Magic 

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Whirligig 58 

  photo 73cdc233-8d11-40f0-9f92-54dc6cc9e3cd_zpsr2b6d26g.jpg
Ponca City Oil spill,
Belinda Mao, Anna Dell, Daniel Dell, Elizabeth Tisdahl sweeten my heart

shanghai television series,
Tao Liu, Xin Jiang, Fan Shengmei, Guan Mucun, Dawei Jiang, Qi Dong perform

Wilson education, Yanding relation,
Olivia Kong, Harry Mathis, Byron Wear, Chad Quinn, John Witt, Amelia Alvarado,

sound of marvelous rain,
music from yearning fire silken

light, thunder, skin, muscle,
blood and water bring in moment of grace

eggplants, tomatoes, green beans, and salads,
boundless falling thoughts send snow peas into flowery garden

name blinds,
fame shadows

Larry Alexander and  Donald Caldwell join in Green party,
Sarah Palin, Cindy McCain, jill Jacob, Kathleen Wu, Abbey Guan, and Eric Piper

Jian Cao and Wei Chen are firm about Undergraduate degree for Sheng Wu,
Julio Mario Ottino and Alicia Loeffler Trijilo confirm Rachel Evans special

Oklahoma state University outstanding student, Amelia Wilson, Angela Dell, Emily Wang,
Standford University Masters candidates, Bob Darcy, James Wrighton, Tom Wu, Neel Rao

Deborah Quinn, Juan Vargas, and Karin Kapp choose to stay out,
Edward Page, Lucinda Page, and Erin Bennett walk in unison

i hear wise owl call
i type in Rice University, Zhongshan University, Shantou University,

it is may,
time to celebrate mother's day for Jim Piper, and Frank Xie,

it is April Fool,
time to send a teasing notes to Stephan Wilson, Michael Dell, Bill Gates, and Sundar Pichai

Wordle 249 
Do Peace, Not War...Start Today, You, She, He, They, We, and I (Write, Think, Drive, Inspire, and Say Many Thanks to You All) (May 4th, 2016-June 5, 2018) Year Five NO5)

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Image result for quotes