Sunday, September 16, 2018

poetry and story inn fridays week 28

great places to visit 

 Image result for ang-mei-xi Opera 黄梅戏电影 《龙女》1984年    modern longnu drangon lady,  Miele Herbert

  Image result for ang-mei-xi Opera 黄梅戏电影 《龙女》1984年  

Image result for ang-mei-xi Opera 黄梅戏电影 《龙女》1984年    performed by ma lan
Image result for ang-mei-xi Opera 黄梅戏电影 《龙女》1984年  Huangmei opera is our favorite

Image result for ang-mei-xi Opera 黄梅戏电影 《龙女》1984年   
Image result for ang-mei-xi Opera 黄梅戏电影 《龙女》1984年  

drangon king and queen, and their daughter,
who happen to have some issue
the daughter prmoises a ordinary human
while the parents have different plan
since she rebels
they set her on earth
she finds a way to be adopted
and wins her man after a magical event and a successful exam