Life is not all flowers and laughter.
Summer time could be tough for many families, because kids are out of school, and while they relax and free from school work, they also get bored easily at home. As a mother to two teen kids, I recall my times while kids are out of school, I know it could be a struggle, especially when a family has limited access or resources to summer relief programs.
Some tips I would like to give or share to/with parents:
#1: Take a summer vacation, no matter how tight the budge is, take a break and spend time far away from home is one way to unwind and refresh oneself.
My family has been doing it every year when the kids are young. We bought membership from zoos and science museums, each family pays about $75 for each organization, the family earns FREE visits to more than 200 zoos, and more than 200 science museums, or natural history museums. This saves money, and when the family travels cross the states, one feels more relaxed…money is spent on gas, food, and hotel. We always bring swimming suits when we travel, kids enjoy swimming in pools in hotels.
#2: Enroll kids in summer reading programs, take advantage of locale public library.
In the U. S., public libraries play an important role in educating, entertaining, and supporting families during summer break.
My kids enjoy borrowing books from public libraries and taking them home to read. Keep a record and report to the library, they reward kids’ effort by the end of July.
They also host special shows in June, July, for about eight weeks. Each Tuesday, Thursday. Some singers, story tellers, crowns, book writers,…are invited to perform for kids in a large hall, parents with kids or babies are welcome and they are free to the public. On Wednesdays, they have movie time, it is also free.
Call or visit your locale library for details. I love my locale public library so much and have enjoyed visiting regularly for years. Also, they have internet and limit library users to use the computers for 1 to 2 hours, each patron can have a limit of two accesses to the internet there. I used to use the computer there, with two of my kids also log on to separated computers. We spend 1 to 2 hours online, everyone enjoys the peaceful time.
In addition, kids who are 12 years old or older are allowed to spend time in public library alone. If a parent has some errands to run or special meeting to attend, they can feel free to drop their teen kids at public library, where they read books, or magazines, and use internet.
#3: Summer School and Relief Meal Programs.
My family has lived in a few states. When we moved to the state where we are now, we find the locale education system is of high quality and they offer summer programs to help families,
Kids of age 0-18 can eat breakfast and lunch Monday through Friday, in June and July, at two elementary schools for FREE during summer time. I used to take my kids there, the program help families to break away from their homes, expose themselves in public, meet other families or friends who are in similar situations. At times, my kids will go to school playground to play with their friends after the meal, and in general, it ends up either they are invited to go visit their friends’ houses in the afternoon, or invite a friend over to play.
It is fun for everyone.
My kids refuse to go when they grow older than 12 years old. In general, families with smaller kids enjoy more. I used to see a couple who came in, with six kids, from 10 year old, 8, 6, 4, 2, and baby…wow. I was shocked to see some people who have the energy to bear and raise so many children. They do need such relief.
Kids from kindergarten to 5th grade can enroll in a 4 week summer school program in public schools. Both of my kids have been doing it. I send them in at 8am, they do math until 10am, then reading until 12, then they automatically eat lunch there before being picked up.
Not all states have summer meal relief programs. I consider we are lucky at where we are.
#4: Develop play mates.
I could not play with my kids all the time. It is more fun to invite one of his friends over and they are happy to play for a day. I usually let them play indoor for a while, encourage them to ride bikes in the neighborhood, take them to swim in public pool, then take them out for lunch, borrow a movie home to watch or go watch a movie in the afternoon, also go to playground to kill some hours…Friendships are mutual, I used to have my kids being invited over to fishing, hike in woods, short distance traveling and so on. I enjoy free time when my kids are gone to their friends’ houses.
#5: Enroll in some camps.
My husband goes nuts when the kids stay at home with NO programs or plans. Thus, we enroll them in some summer camps. After fifth grade, both kids do music camps for a week.
There are information online everywhere, one simply do online research before school is over, plan ahead, apply and send them when it is time.
I write these based on my personal experiences.
Today is father’s day, I wish my own father a happy father’s day ahead. My father is good, hard working…I am grateful growing up having a loving father who never beats his kids and works hard to provide or support the family.
I wish all of you, fathers, or fathers in your family a very happy father’s day.
Thank you for taking the responsibility to raise kids and have a normal family, thank you for the braveness, intelligence, and uprightness in standing up tall, and making history.
Fathers are heroes. They risk their lives to provide safety and peace to their families and to their country when it comes to a war.
Fathers are leaders. They work as presidents, CEOs, mayors, or managers to lead, produce, and keep life alive and full of hopes.
Fathers are artists. They work as writers, designers, professors, researchers, or entertainers to make books, design beautiful landscapes or houses, mold young and promising students, and cheer up audiences with their music, literature, and movies…
Fathers are bloggers. For my followers who are fathers, I thank You for your friendship and
for sharing your most shining wisdom of life with me in your posts. I have enjoyed reading your words, touring your lovely gardens, and getting feedback from you upon my own posts.
Without fathers, this world is dull and empty...
Happy Fathers Day to All!

Compassionate Blogger Award

Your Creativity Makes Me Smile Award
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Relax, Happy Sunday!