Tuesday, May 29, 2018

poetry and story inn fridays week 21

who is she?
melania trump has many characters,
one of her is like this,
assuring, smiling, confident, and knowing....

praise first lady of America for a change,
a mother to a son,
to a daughter,
to a nation with trillions of civilians

while we are on a giant break,
we turn the clock slower
breathing air in no where
telling people stories with no truth

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

may pending

Image result for tianjin university 

Image result for tianjin university                 

Image result for tianjin university       

may pending
soul hunting
college graduates
penguin walking

pink rose
loyola university
james russell and james edgar
liu xiaobo and xu xiangyang

all good from barack obama
all well from donald trump