Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday to all human

Image result for happy birthday  happy birthday to sheng, tom, seth, lilyn, amelia and abbey,

Image result for merry christmas

Sunday, December 23, 2018

poets rally week 88, short story slam week 104

Image result for merry christmas

it comes to Ann Evans
it comes to Ace Atkins
it comes to Jenny Zhang
it comes to April Huang
it comes to Lakisha Peng
it comes to A. B. Thomas
it comes to Tara Robinson
it comes to Taylor and Boomer
it comes to Jerry Funk
it comes to Pengcheng Xu

Amelia, Rebecca, Rachel,
Abbey, Jema, Lucas,
Happy Holidays

Image result for merry christmas
Image result for merry christmas

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

poetry and story inn fridays week 34, short story slam week 103

Five below,
Best Buy,

lots of pencils and pens
they write poems
they are passionate about poetry
which is rooted early by Emily Dickinson and Robert Frost

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

poets rally week 87, short story slam week 102

Image result for hyde park poetry

Image result for hyde park poetry   

gloaming pink
floating wings
a geese flies
a balloon afloat

poetry prevails
stories pop
ending line
a haul for a good rhyming sign

Thursday, October 4, 2018

poetry and story inn fridays week 30, short story slam week 99

Related image 

Related image 

Image result for christmas flashing 

Summer in Christmas
Winter in October
all carry our courage and imagination

remote and internet
we enjoy free blogging
we let all people travel to south pole,

Sunday, September 16, 2018

poetry and story inn fridays week 28

great places to visit 

 Image result for ang-mei-xi Opera 黄梅戏电影 《龙女》1984年    modern longnu drangon lady,  Miele Herbert

  Image result for ang-mei-xi Opera 黄梅戏电影 《龙女》1984年  

Image result for ang-mei-xi Opera 黄梅戏电影 《龙女》1984年    performed by ma lan
Image result for ang-mei-xi Opera 黄梅戏电影 《龙女》1984年  Huangmei opera is our favorite

Image result for ang-mei-xi Opera 黄梅戏电影 《龙女》1984年   
Image result for ang-mei-xi Opera 黄梅戏电影 《龙女》1984年  

drangon king and queen, and their daughter,
who happen to have some issue
the daughter prmoises a ordinary human
while the parents have different plan
since she rebels
they set her on earth
she finds a way to be adopted
and wins her man after a magical event and a successful exam

Monday, August 20, 2018

poetry and story inn fridays week 26, short story slam week 96

Image result for 颜鲁公祠    

a girl called maybelle hurley exercises hand writing in Chinese brush

Image result for 颜鲁公祠

an ancient wisdom could persisting and influencing

Image result for 颜鲁公祠 
沿湖慢慢走,可以看到颜真卿放生的石雕,颜鲁公手捧着乌龟,旁边三个稚童好奇地张望,神态栩栩如生。  near Boomer lake, you see eldly zhengqing yan who reads

yan lu museum,

Image result for shanghai normal university  xiejing mivie institute   wang yu, an owner from Fishbone dinner

Image result for shanghai normal university