Sunday, March 17, 2019

Thursday, March 7, 2019

poetry and story inn fridays week 40, short story slam week 110

beyond talking, we are reminded of Wu Qiong, Stephanie Bice,
she often let us know her and her favorite poems
Mimi, Matthew, Jane, Alan, Julio, Larry, Melissa, James, Alicia,
they can be sad when missed in a role call


light and missed classes can be heavy
a machine runs and a stick walks,
a talking bird stares, journeying its way to our eye lashes,
we could not bear more than we could


we pitch a line to mars
we make a announcement for barack obama and sasha obama
we let a lost child yearn without promising talent
the Lyrics, Folk Tales, Free Verse..all loose in Morton grave's strand wine shop

only the young, a script made or directed by Elizabeth Mims, Jason Tippet,
casts: Skye Elmore, Kristen Cheriegate, Garrison Saenz, Robin Levy, Kevin Conway