Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Sparkling Branson Vacation Fun: Go for IT Now!!

A trip to Branson, Missouri
is challenging and fun,
Look at what we have done:
Ride the ducks,
Go roller-coaster rides with bumper cars,
Enjoy the incredible new shanghai acrostics,
Watch the most amazing magic show...
Meet new friends Gus from Oklahoma,
Michael from Virginia,
Bob Jackson from Honolulu,
and Anna from New York City.

Tom, Jiahong (Justin), and Sheng, Branson, MI

Image Credit: Attraction Flyers



Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

lovely presentation.


Geoff Maritz said...

Branson seems to be a child's playground where grow ups participate. Very colorful post.
:) :) :) Family of smiles.

Deanna said...

Branson is one of my favorite places in the whole wide world. We spent our honeymoon there 40 years ago and have been back almost every year since.

Great presentation!

Jyoti Mishra said...

it looks like a great place ...
I wish I can visit this once in my life time !!

Ruchi Jain said...

enchanting place to visit..