Sunday, April 1, 2012

Maine (ME) State=Mozilla+Internet Ex.+Chrome+Mark+Mao+Margret+Inn+Inc.+Linn+McCain+Thorne+Mary+Chimnese+August+Talbolt

Maine (=ME) State Facts:
Animal: Moose
Berry: Wild Blueberry
Bird: Chickadee
Cat: Maine Coon Cat
Flower: White Pine Cone
Fossil: Pertica Quadrifaria
Gemstone: Tourmaline
Herb: Wintergreen
Insect: Honeybee
Motto: Dirigo (I Lead)
Nickname: The Pine Tree State
Song: "State of Maine Song" by Roger Vinton Snow
Tree: White Pine
Vessel: The arctic exploration schooner "Bowdoin"


Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

fun facts and lovely tribe.

Belva Rae Staples said...

I live in Maine. This was great to read!

Jenny said...

Maine has a song?