Monday, May 13, 2013

The Waving Song for OSU by Andy Moon Lester

The Waving Song for OSU

Oklahoma State! Oklahoma State!
We'll sing your praise tonight;
To let you know wherever we go,
For the Orange and Black we'll fight
We'll sing your worth o'er all the Earth
And shout: Ki Yi! Ki Ye!
In books of fame we'll write your name,
Oklahoma State! 


Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

bless all of you,

Happy May Days.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

wow. love this.

Anonymous said...


Cindy Gary Murray Tomblin Bullock said...


Anonymous said...

confident smiles.

Anonymous said...

amy rocks.

Anonymous said...


Iremonger Lindsay JacoBus Quinlan Pickens said...

awesome people.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the inspirations.

Anonymous said...


Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

powerful figures.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

someone prefers justice, in fact, in any society, there is no absolute justice, subjective manners are obvious, while standard tests do offer fair evaluation of students academic achievements.

peace or justice, it is a matter of relative topic, in some area, we can be sure about justice and fairness,

but when it comes to music performance, music auditions, writing scores, fictional publishing, editors' individual tastes and personal biases will play a major role, you can never fight such outcomes if you are not lucky enough to meet a publisher who admire your work, agree?

peace is vital, if we can adjust our mindset and be flexible about when to make peace with our failures or mistakes, we can find peace and feel good about our fate, we shall never let any evil alike attacks, assumptions, or orders of scores discourage us.

justice is import to everyone indeed, but when injustice hits our backyard in terms of tornadoes, earthquakes, car accidents, or thunder storms, we can not blame others for our losses...

Anonymous said...
