Friday, October 11, 2013

55-What Can You Do To Correct The Wrong?


Under the vast sky,
A girl aged eight
enjoys her apple pie
and feels great.
Your bombs fall
And set her house on fire,
She never understands at all
What is your desire.
Being the only one survived,
Her spirits are gone;
Her memories are never revived,
What can you do to correct the wrong?

Date:    October 12, 2013 (Saturday)
Venue: Santa Clara Convention Center (map)
             5001 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, CA 95054

Annual Conference Program (Registration: Here)

12:00          Registration & Networking (FREE refreshments)
12:30          CASPA Annual Election of Board Directors
13:15          Welcome from CASPA 
13:30          Executive Keynote:
               Preparingfor the Surround Computing Era
               Mark Papermaster, Chief Technology Officer,AMD
               Economics that Drive theInternet of Things Ecosystem
               Ronald Black, Chief Executive Officer, Rambus Incorporated    
               Readyto Ride the Wave of Wearables?
               Ian Ferguson, Vice President of Segment Marketing, ARM Ltd.
15:20          Break
15:30          Panel Forum:  Wearable and Connected Devices
               Moderator: Mario Morales, Vice President, IDC
                          Ian Ferguson, Vice President of Segment Marketing, ARM Ltd.
                          Shane Dyer, President and CEO, Arrayent, Incorporated
                          Edward Grochowski, Sr. Principal Engineer, Intel Corporation
                          Dragan Mladenovic, Sr. Director, Fairchild Semiconductor
                          Adrian Woolley, Director of Strategic Marketing, Atmel Corporation
17:00          Prize Drawings
Dinner Banquet Program (By Invitation Only or $100 each)
19:00          2013 CASPA Student Scholarship Award Ceremony     
19:15          Retired Board Director Service Recognition Awards Ceremony
19:30          CASPA Leadership Transition 
20:00          Executive Keynote: Wearable Technologies: 
               Enabling the Next Wave of Internet of Things Innovation
               Scott McGregor, President and Chief Executive Officer, Broadcom
20:45          Performance
 21:15         Prize Drawings 

- See more at:

Date:    October 12, 2013 (Saturday)
Venue: Santa Clara Convention Center (map)
             5001 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, CA 95054

Annual Conference Program (Registration: Here)

12:00          Registration & Networking (FREE refreshments)
12:30          CASPA Annual Election of Board Directors
13:15          Welcome from CASPA 
13:30          Executive Keynote:
               Preparingfor the Surround Computing Era
               Mark Papermaster, Chief Technology Officer,AMD
               Economics that Drive theInternet of Things Ecosystem
               Ronald Black, Chief Executive Officer, Rambus Incorporated    
               Readyto Ride the Wave of Wearables?
               Ian Ferguson, Vice President of Segment Marketing, ARM Ltd.
15:20          Break
15:30          Panel Forum:  Wearable and Connected Devices
               Moderator: Mario Morales, Vice President, IDC
                          Ian Ferguson, Vice President of Segment Marketing, ARM Ltd.
                          Shane Dyer, President and CEO, Arrayent, Incorporated
                          Edward Grochowski, Sr. Principal Engineer, Intel Corporation
                          Dragan Mladenovic, Sr. Director, Fairchild Semiconductor
                          Adrian Woolley, Director of Strategic Marketing, Atmel Corporation
17:00          Prize Drawings
Dinner Banquet Program (By Invitation Only or $100 each)
19:00          2013 CASPA Student Scholarship Award Ceremony     
19:15          Retired Board Director Service Recognition Awards Ceremony
19:30          CASPA Leadership Transition 
20:00          Executive Keynote: Wearable Technologies: 
               Enabling the Next Wave of Internet of Things Innovation
               Scott McGregor, President and Chief Executive Officer, Broadcom
20:45          Performance
 21:15         Prize Drawings 

- See more at:
华美半导体协会第22届年会 (10月12日)


 万物互联网 - 冲击与商机

大约半个世纪前,英特尔公司创始人之一戈登•摩尔在一个偶然的机会发现了决定半导体工艺发展规律的摩尔定律:在生产成本保持不变的条件下,集成电路 上可容纳的晶体管数目,约每隔18个月便会增加一倍,性能也将提升一倍。换言之,每一美元所能买到的电脑性能,将每隔18个月翻两倍以上。这一定律揭示了 信息技术进步的速度。

在这之后的近50年中,半导体科技在摩尔定律的魔力的推动下,引领了一波又一波的高科技的革新,使人类社会的生产力及生活水平一次又一次发生了飞跃,给人 们日常生活的各方面都带来了翻天覆地的变化。近年来,随着后PC时代的到来,系统集成芯片将越来越多的功能模块集成到一个系统芯片中,半导体科技从PC为 中心的计算,发展到手持式移动设备,并进一步向穿戴式电脑形式。触摸,手势,语音,甚至是眼球一个转动, 腦波的一个冲动都可以引发从傳感器(Sensor)和智慧手機用户端的一連串,到云端一系列的计算。CPU核与ASIC集成电路提供的计算与解决方案比以 前更容易直接为我们的生活中的各种应用提供服务,并带来全新的用户体验。感知计算,语音识别,半导体科技的最新发展通过各式的人机互动界面将用户体验推向 极致,并通过万有物联网将用户端传感设备/终端消费设备/家居环境与云端服务器智能地结合,摄取大数据资讯库的处理/存储/搜索资源,无处不有,无时不在 地影响人们的行为,成为工作学习到日常生活的现代生活中最基本的元素。

近年来随着中国互联网经济的崛起,物联网作为崭新的运营平台及商业模式在世界上人口最多的国家逐渐风行起来。现代有线无线的通讯工具与各式传感器及控制器 的结合,达到无物不联,将半导体科技有效地运用到现代物流,远程医疗,智能生活的方方面面。万物互联将成为全球趋势,中国在强大经济内需的推动下,必将成 为这方面商业模式的领跑者。

尽管物联网商业模式在中国大陆领先发展,硅谷的科技公司却是这个方向科技的不断突破的源泉与强大的技术后盾。苹果公司创始人乔布斯引领的移动计算革命,引 发了低功耗,小形体的工业设计的大潮流,使得硅谷各芯片及系统公司都在追逐多功能一体化芯片系统的设计。一块芯片除了能做计算,还有对数据的获取,传输及 存储的各式应用。硅谷的科技巨头都在开始发展延伸到以前不熟悉的相关科技领域中去。

华美半导体协会将於10 月12 日週六,在 Santa Clara Convention Center 隆重举办第22届年會及晚宴。来自Broadcom, Intel, AMD, ARM, Atmel, Fairchild等半导体领军企业的领袖及技术专家们,将畅谈移动通讯,穿戴电脑,绕体计算,传感器与大数据的最新发展以及对未来商業和人类生活的影 响。詳情及網上報名请查询 

Date:    October 12, 2013 (Saturday)
Venue: Santa Clara Convention Center (map)
             5001 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, CA 95054

Annual Conference Program (Registration: Here)

12:00          Registration & Networking (FREE refreshments)
12:30          CASPA Annual Election of Board Directors
13:15          Welcome from CASPA 
13:30          Executive Keynote:
               Preparingfor the Surround Computing Era
               Mark Papermaster, Chief Technology Officer,AMD
               Economics that Drive theInternet of Things Ecosystem
               Ronald Black, Chief Executive Officer, Rambus Incorporated    
               Readyto Ride the Wave of Wearables?
               Ian Ferguson, Vice President of Segment Marketing, ARM Ltd.
15:20          Break
15:30          Panel Forum:  Wearable and Connected Devices
               Moderator: Mario Morales, Vice President, IDC
                          Ian Ferguson, Vice President of Segment Marketing, ARM Ltd.
                          Shane Dyer, President and CEO, Arrayent, Incorporated
                          Edward Grochowski, Sr. Principal Engineer, Intel Corporation
                          Dragan Mladenovic, Sr. Director, Fairchild Semiconductor
                          Adrian Woolley, Director of Strategic Marketing, Atmel Corporation
17:00          Prize Drawings
Dinner Banquet Program (By Invitation Only or $100 each)
19:00          2013 CASPA Student Scholarship Award Ceremony     
19:15          Retired Board Director Service Recognition Awards Ceremony
19:30          CASPA Leadership Transition 
20:00          Executive Keynote: Wearable Technologies: 
               Enabling the Next Wave of Internet of Things Innovation
               Scott McGregor, President and Chief Executive Officer, Broadcom
20:45          Performance
 21:15         Prize Drawings 

- See more at:
华美半导体协会第22届年会 (10月12日)


 万物互联网 - 冲击与商机

大约半个世纪前,英特尔公司创始人之一戈登•摩尔在一个偶然的机会发现了决定半导体工艺发展规律的摩尔定律:在生产成本保持不变的条件下,集成电路 上可容纳的晶体管数目,约每隔18个月便会增加一倍,性能也将提升一倍。换言之,每一美元所能买到的电脑性能,将每隔18个月翻两倍以上。这一定律揭示了 信息技术进步的速度。

在这之后的近50年中,半导体科技在摩尔定律的魔力的推动下,引领了一波又一波的高科技的革新,使人类社会的生产力及生活水平一次又一次发生了飞跃,给人 们日常生活的各方面都带来了翻天覆地的变化。近年来,随着后PC时代的到来,系统集成芯片将越来越多的功能模块集成到一个系统芯片中,半导体科技从PC为 中心的计算,发展到手持式移动设备,并进一步向穿戴式电脑形式。触摸,手势,语音,甚至是眼球一个转动, 腦波的一个冲动都可以引发从傳感器(Sensor)和智慧手機用户端的一連串,到云端一系列的计算。CPU核与ASIC集成电路提供的计算与解决方案比以 前更容易直接为我们的生活中的各种应用提供服务,并带来全新的用户体验。感知计算,语音识别,半导体科技的最新发展通过各式的人机互动界面将用户体验推向 极致,并通过万有物联网将用户端传感设备/终端消费设备/家居环境与云端服务器智能地结合,摄取大数据资讯库的处理/存储/搜索资源,无处不有,无时不在 地影响人们的行为,成为工作学习到日常生活的现代生活中最基本的元素。

近年来随着中国互联网经济的崛起,物联网作为崭新的运营平台及商业模式在世界上人口最多的国家逐渐风行起来。现代有线无线的通讯工具与各式传感器及控制器 的结合,达到无物不联,将半导体科技有效地运用到现代物流,远程医疗,智能生活的方方面面。万物互联将成为全球趋势,中国在强大经济内需的推动下,必将成 为这方面商业模式的领跑者。

尽管物联网商业模式在中国大陆领先发展,硅谷的科技公司却是这个方向科技的不断突破的源泉与强大的技术后盾。苹果公司创始人乔布斯引领的移动计算革命,引 发了低功耗,小形体的工业设计的大潮流,使得硅谷各芯片及系统公司都在追逐多功能一体化芯片系统的设计。一块芯片除了能做计算,还有对数据的获取,传输及 存储的各式应用。硅谷的科技巨头都在开始发展延伸到以前不熟悉的相关科技领域中去。

华美半导体协会将於10 月12 日週六,在 Santa Clara Convention Center 隆重举办第22届年會及晚宴。来自Broadcom, Intel, AMD, ARM, Atmel, Fairchild等半导体领军企业的领袖及技术专家们,将畅谈移动通讯,穿戴电脑,绕体计算,传感器与大数据的最新发展以及对未来商業和人类生活的影 响。詳情及網上報名请查询 

Date:    October 12, 2013 (Saturday)
Venue: Santa Clara Convention Center (map)
             5001 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, CA 95054

Annual Conference Program (Registration: Here)

12:00          Registration & Networking (FREE refreshments)
12:30          CASPA Annual Election of Board Directors
13:15          Welcome from CASPA 
13:30          Executive Keynote:
               Preparingfor the Surround Computing Era
               Mark Papermaster, Chief Technology Officer,AMD
               Economics that Drive theInternet of Things Ecosystem
               Ronald Black, Chief Executive Officer, Rambus Incorporated    
               Readyto Ride the Wave of Wearables?
               Ian Ferguson, Vice President of Segment Marketing, ARM Ltd.
15:20          Break
15:30          Panel Forum:  Wearable and Connected Devices
               Moderator: Mario Morales, Vice President, IDC
                          Ian Ferguson, Vice President of Segment Marketing, ARM Ltd.
                          Shane Dyer, President and CEO, Arrayent, Incorporated
                          Edward Grochowski, Sr. Principal Engineer, Intel Corporation
                          Dragan Mladenovic, Sr. Director, Fairchild Semiconductor
                          Adrian Woolley, Director of Strategic Marketing, Atmel Corporation
17:00          Prize Drawings
Dinner Banquet Program (By Invitation Only or $100 each)
19:00          2013 CASPA Student Scholarship Award Ceremony     
19:15          Retired Board Director Service Recognition Awards Ceremony
19:30          CASPA Leadership Transition 
20:00          Executive Keynote: Wearable Technologies: 
               Enabling the Next Wave of Internet of Things Innovation
               Scott McGregor, President and Chief Executive Officer, Broadcom
20:45          Performance
 21:15         Prize Drawings 

- See more at:


Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

war sucks,

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

promoting world peace is a life time goal, regardless feedback and what others say.

keep peace at home, in your mind, and at large.

Anonymous said...

nice, you rock.

Preeti S. said...

Wrongs like this can rarely be corrected, if ever.

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...


Anonymous said...

touching poem.

Anonymous said...

Ji rocks.

Alissa Meredith Jill Osborn Schapiro said...

powerful 55.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

love it.

Pat-Mather Brown Gordon-ceton said...

nice walk.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sometimes wrongs can be corrected by acknowledging that one has caused pain to another.