Wednesday, June 29, 2016

short story slam week 47, flags, cakes, and fireworks

Image result for jiaozuo

 Image result for jiaozuo

Image result for jiaozuo

Image result for jiaozuo

interesting company
powerful names

when luoyang and jiaozuo sign technology agreements
chongtian makes paper products

our basket is full
our mind is loose

we gather our strength
and we set a kite north

so that beijing and tianjin are connected
so that mountain view and altus times are in perspective

thomas tribune
lawton constitution, they both cool

Fredrick and New Tong's asian food
China King Buffeett and Clinton

Sakura and miso soup
Walmart and Fuji film developing

Quartz Mountain resort and Katy Wilson
Robert Kerr performing arts and Timothy Long, Julie Cohen, Emily Claude,  Jen Hilger, Anne Peters

the elk city news
the watonga and kingfisher papers, what a surprise

o'colly from osu competes with transcript from ou
stillwater news press always eye on perkins journal

the oklahoman and the tulsa world,
USA today, Wall street journal, Washington post, and the new york times, they co-exist

i used to read Barron, Times, Forbes, People, or Goodhouse keeping,
I rest well with Knitting, Red Book, Money, Fortune, and University of Chicago

Bluebell Books Twitter Club!

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