Wednesday, October 18, 2017

please help these faculty feeling better for being a MATH MAJOR AND GET STUCK SOMETIMES

Dear President, College Department Head, and Fellow mentors:

we have a group of faculty seeking important promotion, they work hard, and enjoy fresh environments, some of you may know them already, however, i wish that:

do recommend a few promising location for your fellow visiting faculty in case you decide not to fix their job, or find a good peer faculty to give suitable guideline...

best wishes
please do use free blogs via,
promote and buy books by eric schmidt, larry page, anne wojcicki, sheryl sandberg, jingle yan, peter constantin,
donald trump, melania trump, marissa mayer, steven jobs, morton schapiro, michale fitts, MORTON SCHAPIRO,
john nicklow, paul tulane, jay slee, mary fallin, janet ruscher, george bush, barack obama, constance vincent, abbey wood, ameliawood yarisford, kay ryan, hilary clinton, jena bush, jiahong wu, zhang ping, peng danping,
jim carter, joseph butt, james egdgar, burns hargis, brad henry, ....

research these faculty below, 
give them a go by asking if they need some help

  Netra Khanal, Ph.D., 2009, Tenured Associate Professor, University of Tampa, FL
    Ramjee Sharma, Ph.D., 2010, Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, University of North Georgia, GA
    Dhanapati Adhikari, Ph.D., 2011, Tenure-Track Associate Professor, Marywood University, PA
    Lizheng Tao, Ph.D., 2013, Visiting Assistant Professor, The University of California, Riverside, CA
    Dipendra Regmi, Ph.D., 2013, Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, State University of New York at Farmingdale, NY
    Durga KC, Ph.D., 2014, Professor, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal
    Kazuo Yamazaki, Ph.D., 2014, Research Assistant Professor, University of Rochester, NY

James BrockTemporary Faculty
Newton Oakes Center 212, Dahlonega 

John FrohbergTemporary Faculty
Newton Oakes Center 

Gaylena SelfTemporary Faculty
Newton Oakes 218, Dahlonega


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