Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Quote of The Day-April 27, 2010

To believe your own thoughts, To believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true, that is genius!

Happy Wednesday!
Enjoy Your Talent,
Have Fun!


Harvee44 said...

Nice thoughts, Jingle. Have a good Wednesday.

Dorraine said...

Jingle jangle, wisdom. Wonderful blog and so nice to add you, Jingle!

Reader Wil said...

That reminds me of Flipper! Beautiful animals!

Dr. Heckle said...

Yeah, I am pretty awesome... Thanks for reminding me! ;)

Serline said...

Or as Descarte put it, "Je pense donc je suis". Thanks for the quote.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

love this...it gives a feel good feeling

Captain Dumbass said...

Happy Wednesday to you too, Jingle.

♥ Kathy said...

very cool :)

Tabor said...

Is this your photo. I love these animals and remember them following me along the bow of the boats in the Pacific when I lived there.

Lyn said...

Yes, we must find and believe our own truth! Always..thank you...

Mike Minzes said...

Yet turth is perception. one person's truth is another peson's doubts.

Truth is tricky that way.

Suz said...


believe in our hearts..eh?

suryagni said...

wonderful picture and poem. i agree.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Beautiful. Must practice that!

Barbara said...

I love that thought, Jingle!
Have a lovely week!

william manson said...

wise words from a wide lady well done xxx

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

Love the photo.

My thoughts are too dramatic...filled with exaggerated imaginative stuff. I need to deny them OFTEN or I will NOT be living in REALITY!

Have a great Wednesday Ji!

Maude Lynn said...


Lucy said...

Good words of wisdom!

Tracie said...

Very wise. I like it. :)

joanna said...

What a beautiful quote -- I needed to hear that today. You are wonderful dear blog friend.


ZENDOM said...

One thing that was taught very true
These are words that one must do
In your inner core is happiness and glee
It is something you always like to be
But this thing is never on its shelf
It is that hidden core of believing in yourself

enjoy as well Jingle(+)