Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sunday 160-I Spy...

I spy
Stars in sky,
Trees bend under breeze,
A bunny behaves funny,
A bear pulls his hair,
A fawn is chased at dawn,
And a rose dreams about water from a hose.


What can you say in 160 characters? (spaces included)

Check it out on Monkey Man at

Many thanks for reading it.

For all of YOU who has been following Jingle, or commenting for her,or reading this post, the angel is for You, hope that she brings you safety, security, love,
wisdom, and happiness in the days, weeks, months to come!
Thank You for the Friendship and Fun!
Happy Sunday!
U R The Best!


william manson said...

I spy a lovely lady beginning with J xx

loved this xxx

transparentnow? said...

Thank you for the lovely poem, the angel and sharing your beautiful spirit!


Thank you for your lovely poem and angel .

Have a good week.

Alice Audrey said...

I spy a house on the edge of the woods.

Very nice.

Sheri said...

...your prose, full of whimsy and fun, a perfect 160 for a lovely sunday! jingle, u rock :)

Monkey Man said...

Thank you for the lovely 160 and the protective angel. You are most kind. Have a terrific week.

One Prayer Girl said...

What a lovely 160.

The title reminds me of a game our family used to play as we traveled by car from Washington, D.C. to Illinois each summer. It would be someone's turn and they would say, "I Spy ___" (like a black and white cow) then the other players would look for one and whoever saw it first called out, "I Spy". Very old fun memory.


Sam Liu said...

A beautiful 160, Jingle, as always; uplifting and a delight to read.

g-man said...


Birdie said...

so lovely, thank you Jingle. Have a beautiful week to come :-)

Katherine said...

A charming & whimsical 160 ... I really enjoyed this Jingle!

Thank you so much for the beautiful angel & thank you for your friendship & fun also!! Have a great week!

Gandhali said...

that rose is very thirsty!! haha i love your poem!! you're so creative :)

and i love that angel picture too

Caty said...

this is a sweet 160, Jingle!!

Unknown said...

What a truly beautiful and uplifting 160, Jingle.
well done!

nanny said...

Wonderful poem and lovely angel,,,,happy to have her,,,,thank you

Bernadine said...

A lovely 160. I really enjoyed the images that it inspired.

Vicki Lane said...

Good wishes for a happy week ahead!

magiceye said...

that was lovely!

Melissa B. said...

Wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing...

DuDo said...

Wow a nice poem ji, U are really a talented writer... to say m in love with your writings :)

Ronda Laveen said...

The rose dreaming of water from the hose caught my fancy. Thanks for the angel, Jingle.

Kimberly said...

Beautiful as always. I am now a follower too.

Hope to see you for "Mia Monday".

ZENDOM said...

It must be late spring as this is a delight
I see how this happiness is as it all goes right
All of mother nature is moving around
The stars in the sky do not make a sound
But with all this activity happening it seems
You may watch all this going on but its the rose that only dreams

enjoy Jingle and Happy Monday to you(+)

Anu Lal said...

Very nice..

Ed Pilolla said...

love the photo.
and i love spying stars in the sky too:)

Gattina said...

Nice poeme :)

Maha said...

I love the lively beat of your poem. You did a great job! Correct if I'm wrong, but for some reason, I think you are young. And really, nothing is better than being youthful and happy. It's a dear treasure, hold on to it as long as you can.

Alexandra said...

Thank you for the lovely angel, Jingle.

Bless you.

Anonymous said...

Lovely 160. Beautiful and cute as always...:)

Janice said...

Thank you for the angel. Cute poem, too. Have a great week...

Mama Wheaton said...

That reminds me I need to go water my roses, thanks!

Sniffles and Smiles said...

I think YOU can say anything lovely in ANY amount of words!!! You're terrific!!! Love, Janine XO

A Lady's Life said...

Thank you jungle and I hope angels are around you as well. :)

mrs. c said...

What a clever poem! YOu are very talented. Thank you for reading my story.

Jen said...

I saw some deer by a watering hole at dusk. It would have been cute to see fawns chasing each other at dawn. Cute poem.

Hilary said...

Very nice. My kids used to love I Spy games and books.

jenn said...

hey. thanks for reading picky and leaving it some love.

TALON said...

Thank you for the angel, Jingle. Your spirit shines through her :)

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

You are a talented writer! This was very clever Jingle. Thank you for the beautiful angel wishes!

Sistertex said...

A beautiful Angel! Thank you. Very cute verse!

island of peace said...

lovely 160.