Monday, December 6, 2010

When It Comes To Math

When it comes to math,
Some fear it to death,
Some fall out of breath;
Here is a simple confess:
Math is not something worse
than giving birth…
Math Is cool
If you know the rule;
Math is fun
If you are its fan.
Keep trying,
You can do it without dying…
Math says something perfectly true.
You can make a satisfying score.
Math has some magical tricks.
If you truly understand,
You will love math and feel grand.


When i started blogging one year ago, I truly enjoyed doing Monday Math posts. Glad to give it a try again today.

Today's math problem:

If it takes 12 people 3 days to build 72 meters of fence, how many meters of fence can 15 people build in one day?


Compute how many meters of fence each person build each day applying the first 3 numbers, then it is easy to calculate using giving condition!

Pick one:

A: 2
B: 12
C: 20
D: 24
E: 30

Good Luck! I Wonder who can do it?


Kristin said...

La la la la la . . . .(my hands are over my ears!) YOU are amazing - love the poem and Love the question - but I am one of those who are deathly afraid of math (hence the hands over my ears, Lol!) Don't know how I even graduated college . . . Wonderful job as usual, xoxo

Amy said...

Not a big fan of Math.. Glad you are..

I am staying warm..

Bubba said...

Since nobody else guessed...

E: 30

Together We Save said...

No math please... I had to help my daughter with Alegebra yesterday until my head hurt!! LOL

NatureFootstep said...

I am not good at math, but I like what they can do with it.

genny said...

nice and unique blog. i am not a big fan of math but back when i was still studying, i got good grades in math subject. cheers!

girl daydreaming said...

i must admit, i've never thought of math as beautiful. your words encourage me so... nicely done.

Dorincard said...

E:30. Hey, nice blog! :)

LV said...

I do believe this is my first visit on the math blog. It is different, but I certainly could not participate. Math was not my strongest subject.

Mory said...

as a math major, i really like these poems.

Mory said...

as a math major, i really like these poems.

Rashmi said...

Wonderful jingle...
I love Maths very much...
Beautiful poem Jingle...
Really should appreciate you for thinking different ways of poeming..


Unknown said...

I'm with Kristin, La la la my hands are also over my ears.

But loved the verse.

Dena E's Blog said...

I sooo agree with with the 1st comment ;0) I will avoid MATH at all costs..Lalalala and shaking my head btw... :0)
May God's blessings be on you as you look to Him during this wonderful Christmas Season and always~~~Hugs Dena

Amity said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amity said...

Gosh Jingle you gave me a nosebleed with the 'simple math' question you gave ur readers.

Yes, nosebleed Jingle... :( I don't care what others would tell but I have to confess, I am dumby dumb when it comes to numbers... :(

could not join potluck this week, am quite stressed lately...hope to be back soon...

Amity said...

Gosh Jingle you gave me a nosebleed with the 'simple math' question you gave ur readers.

Yes, nosebleed Jingle... :( I don't care what others would tell but I have to confess, I am dumby dumb when it comes to numbers... :(

could not join potluck this week, am quite stressed lately...hope to be back soon...

Amity said...

Gosh Jingle you gave me a nosebleed with the 'simple math' question you gave ur readers.

Yes, nosebleed Jingle... :( I don't care what others would tell but I have to confess, I am dumby dumb when it comes to numbers... :(

could not join potluck this week, am quite stressed lately...hope to be back soon...

Amity said...

Gosh Jingle you gave me a nosebleed with the 'simple math' question you gave ur readers.

Yes, nosebleed Jingle... :( I don't care what others would tell but I have to confess, I am dumby dumb when it comes to numbers... :(

could not join potluck this week, am quite stressed lately...hope to be back soon...

Amity said...

Gosh Jingle you gave me a nosebleed with the 'simple math' question you gave ur readers.

Yes, nosebleed Jingle... :( I don't care what others would tell but I have to confess, I am dumby dumb when it comes to numbers... :(

could not join potluck this week, am quite stressed lately...hope to be back soon...

Amity said...

Gosh Jingle you gave me a nosebleed with the 'simple math' question you gave ur readers.

Yes, nosebleed Jingle... :( I don't care what others would tell but I have to confess, I am dumby dumb when it comes to numbers... :(

could not join potluck this week, am quite stressed lately...hope to be back soon...

Amity said...

Gosh Jingle you gave me a nosebleed with the 'simple math' question you gave ur readers.

Yes, nosebleed Jingle... :( I don't care what others would tell but I have to confess, I am dumby dumb when it comes to numbers... :(

could not join potluck this week, am quite stressed lately...hope to be back soon...

Dasuntoucha said...

Sweet a poem and a math problem!'re pretty cool Jingle (^_^)


Love the poem Jingle, most original.

Splendid Little Stars said...

I can!
Math can be fun--useful, too!
Each person builds 2 meters per day and therefore....

Myrna R. said...

When I hear the word "math" my brian crashes. I think I have a true math phoebia. I did great in high school, but something must have happened that summer before college 'cause by then math was a language from another planet to me.

Cute poem.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Ok, 24 per day, 2 meters per person, so 30 meters total.

Selina Kingston said...

Yes, I like maths. I'm going with 30 !

Anonymous said...

When it comes to math, I suck. I have this fear that one day I will win some big grand prize and then I'll have to answer a skill-testing question, which will most likely be a math question, and then I'll mess it up and lose the prize and then spend the rest of my days living in a cardboard box eating cat food. Yeah, me and math don't get along. - G

Cezar and Léia said...

I prefer Arts than Math, okay I need to confess! :)
Very interesting post
Léia - Bonjour Luxembourg

Jingle said...

awesome, 30 is the correct answer, thanks for playing along, folks,
you are dear!

Happy Thursday!

Hope said...

I'm not very good at math but...this was a great poem!

Roger Owen Green said...

I figured it out, but I never actually figured out the per meter productivity.
I sussed that
12 peo 3 days 72 m
12 peo 1 day 24 m
15 peo (12X5/4) 1 day 30 m (24X5/4)

knot eye said...

for your mathematical funny bone

Count On Me

twice is nice
but thrice is divine
numbers oh numbers
give me nine in a line

and eight my friend
a great place to begin
what four for more
is half then again

just to say five
I’m kept alive
all the answers
I can derive

we get from six
so many tricks
devilish digit
thrown in the mix

sevens of three
winner for me
a riskier one
there may never be

back to aught
alone once again
if to add one
he now is a ten


rt r said...

72feet/3days*12men = 2feet/man-day

2feet/man-day*15men*1day = 30feet

What's the big deal? :-)

Ps: I love math.

JamieDedes said...

I'll have to take your word for it, Ji. I'm completely undone. Words are my thing. On numbers I bling!

misz zatiey said...

just a nice poem..can i copy n publish into my blog?

Melissa Ridley Elmes said...

Math.... oy. I think I will give this one to my daughter and see if she can solve it as a game!~ I like the interdisciplinary approach to the subject. :o) Here's my offering this week:

Anonymous said...

This may be well-written, but I still refuse to believe that maths is anything but evil ;) My boyfriend is obsessed with numbers and patterns, and is always trying to get me to fall in love with it. Nah, ain't going to happen.

Suzy said...

Math was my favourite subject in school. Nice post.

Someday Somewhere - Hope

Anonymous said...

E: 30!
12 people->3 days->72m

1 day->12*3=36 people->72m

I love Math, could feel your joy you delivered with your straight forward style :)

Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

a stimulating one, well done.