You live, You dream,
You laugh, You scream.
Everyone dreams of one’s need,
Everyone fears of one’s greed.
All our sorrows and tears
Help us grow stronger over the years.
Beyond that, you can see,
Women dream whatever she be,
And her dreams no one knows,
Dreams that rails on her foes.
All the praises she receives
Will be written in wind, and leaves.
I dream and I am bond with chains,
And I dream that all the pains
Help me learn
And win.
What is life?
A roller coaster ride
That could go extreme.
How to survive?
Hold your steering wheels tight
And do an excellent drive,
No blame game!

Jingle Poetry Monday Potluck Week 13 Theme: Dreams, Visions, and Reveries:Poetry Potluck Week 12+1 , Everyone Is Welcome
Sunday Poetry Pantry:Poetry Pantry at Poets United
Happy Sunday!
Keep Dreaming!
Keep Beaming!
Ji, this is super cute dream..
--Someone is Special--
happy dreaming
without dreams life cannot go on... beautiful write.
Sweet dream...
Very lovely poem...
"All the praises she receives
Will be written in wind, and leaves."
I love it :)
I love dreaming! Sometimes it gets you through the day! Beautiful poem!
Asleep or awake - dreams matter.
Very nice, dreamy poem.
awesome :)
Your poem is so true - hang on to the wheel and see where the journey takes you. Loved it!
Jingle, this is beautiful and so very true. So many questions, so many answers, leading to more questions. But what a wonderful image of hope.
I always enjoy reading your poems, this is one of my favorites, questions of life, filled with emotion and hope. Beautiful :)
very nice...life is a roller coaster ride...I totally understand...blessings...bkm
Life is just like that isn't it Jingle. Well expressed.
Dreams are what keep us grounded in this insane world..
Dreams tempered with reality? Very well said.
Your poem is excellent! We certainly do have to hang on for the ride and see where it takes us.
this is lovely ji.. here's mine! http://fiveloaf.wordpress.com/2010/01/15/head/
Nice one, Jingle! I especially liked your steering wheel idea.
Hi Jingle! What a lovely poem!
Thank you so much for popping in to see me.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
I love the poem
very deep, thought provoking and full of truth.
A poetry potluck; how fun and nice job! I admire you because I've never been good a writing poetry. Have a greaty week!
Hi Jingle, thank you for stopping by my blog. Yes it IS a ride isn't it? And I think that's the fun of it - at least for me. You never know what'll happen next!
Love this !!
I love the rhyming you have incorporated in this poem.
Delightful piece.
"hold your steering wheel tight" - excellent advice and very fine work. Thanks
Very nice poem. You are so good.
Wonderfully written, dreamy :P
the day i stop dreaming is the day i die. this one's another upbeat piece of yours that i love, jingle.
sorry i wasn't able to join the rally. my schedule has become toxic especially that i have to rush and finish a lot of work before the holiday season sets in. i think i can go back to normal blogging only after new year. a nice way to start my year, right?
{{{hugsss}}} for you, friend!
A myriad of truths in this, nicely done!
fantastic poem jingle, i cant imagine a life without dreams.
Happy dreaming. Happy beaming, Ji. Thank you. this is great. Big smiles!
Lovely poem! Immensely gentle... It makes me fall into a really dreamy mood...
" Hold your steering wheel tight" so true!! A sage dream!
Living and dreaming... a lovely write.
Nice and dreamy.
Wow! I can't believe how many of your poems I missed here.
I keep forgetting about this site. Sorry, Ji.
This is the go-to place for cheer and smiles!
Hooray! :-)
"All the praises she receives
Will be written in wind, and leaves."
- i love this part too...
great imagery of a dream.
happy rally!
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