Mathematical Science

Social Science
When it comes to science,
You have to think it more than once,
Mathematical science is hard,
Conquering it could break your heart;
Physics is harder,
How to control nuclear weapons is an art;
Human/animal science seem fun,
But it takes you at least 5 years to get the degree done;
When numbers are imaginary,
Mathematics becomes complex;
When science is political,
Thoughts you share become critical;
Politics is science,
Writing is art,
Presidents of all nations are political scientists,
Citizens who blog are visual artists,
Now you know that not all science involve equations,
Education makes all the professions.

Political Science Majors
Big Tent Poetry: Science
I love your perspective and can relate- anything is science if we look at it that way.
Interesting on how you relate maths and science
"You have to think it more than once."
In my case, waaaay more than once.
This was a cool take, Jingle.
My undergraduate degree is in science and every class I had to re-learn algebra etc. I cried. When I saw your graphs at the beginning of this poem, I had that same feeling. So glad you made it into art, my math queen.
Good characterisation of science, reminds of how maps have been used as political drawings. The science/art of map making. Thank you for dropping me a line back on my blog.
What an interesting take on that. I liked your angle.
What an interesting take on that. I liked your angle.
Politics and Math ? Eeegads! it makes my blood shiver and my feet want to run! I could take biology and - some math...thanks !
a very different perspective on science and pilotics...
beautiful write Jingle
interesting exploration!
Nicely done. I suppose there's an art to all these sciences. It's a different kind of creativity.
Interesting correlation
fantastic one jingle. political science is not a bad subject, had it in my graduation.
Good take on the prompt, Jingle!
Some chords sounded here for me. Mathematical science is indeed hard. I dropped off the radar of school maths (+s in the UK) at age 15 and was never detected again. In consequence I am - beyond the basics of household finances - functionally innumerate!
Ah, now I get it!! :)
Interesting! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
You're absolute wonderful in describing Political Science!
There is obviously a lot of interbreeding! :laughs: I like how you say this is this and that is that but it gets all mixed up so that we are all a bit of everything.
I'm shamelessly admitting my weakest point for science and math. Your poem conveys my feelings so well.
ohh its so different. love it for its stretchability.
I can't decide it science is a tool of politics or if politics is a tool of science, but for now, each uses the other.
Brilliantly said! :)
My Blog
An interesting take on math and science, with a dash of life.
Wonderful way to tie it all together!
I do like this. Thanks! Fun and smart.
I've never understood how anyone could call politics science...now I get it. I think. Thanks for stopping by The Simple Life.
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