Japan Earthquake Images from google.com
On an island of this earth
Where seaweed is wrapped around sushi,
Plates of rocks under the sea crack,
Leading to towering rage of waves,
Mud, bricks, wind, and screams of voices,
What shocking wrecks and grieves.
I listen, watching it dreadfully,
The aftermath drowns me,
How sad this is not foreseen,
How bad this is real even in computer screen,
Dead folks haunt the shores
As survivors clinch their jaws.
People have to live it dryly
As they compile their mess daily.
What to leave, what to save,
Each move needs one to be brave.
No more water and sneers,
I would love to have some beers.
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Please pray for the victims and reach out if you have family or friends who are suffering..Bless All!

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It's so sad, isn't it, Jingle?
Your poem is filled with much emotion.
Yes, the situation requires folks to be most uncommonly brave. My heart is out to everyone. The aftermath "drowns" us all. Thank you, Jingle.
Amen. Thank you for posting this Ji, a heartfelt and compassionate response.
Dead folks haunt the shores
As survivors clinch their jaws.
Grim indeed. Let us send hope.
Grim. was trying to block out the tragic images while reading this and you could express evry moment so well.
Well said.
Thank you for posting this. Nice sentiment. I used to live in Japan and have many friends, both American and Japanese who still live there...it has been hard to hear all of the stories first hand but out good thoughts are with them.
Very well written x
Thanks for encouraging us to be brave. Somebody needs us to be brave just as we need somebody else to be brave for us. I'm praying with everyone.
We never know the next moment..kindness while we're here,and a beer, why not??Bless us all...
Your poem describes our feelings. Thank you Jingle.
it's hard to be confronted daily with such sadness. writing about it helps deal with it. I feel so helpless here myself.
it is indeed very unfortunate... my heart goes out to the victim... such a beautiful land in in ruins...
very beautifully penned Ji... wonderful write
Jingle, I think this is one of your best ever pieces of work!
it is so sad-- I am keeping them in my heart.
Nice work Jingle. May our friends out there in Japan and the rest of those affected by the quakes and tsunamis overcome these tragic misfortunes.
It is just so sad, my prayers go out to them.
Your poem as always is beautifully wrote.
It is profoundly devastating. Although, it was interesting to see my teenager's reaction. Among his crowd, they are heartbroken that the creator of Pokemon died in the earthquake/tsunami. It touches us all in so many ways. As does your poem.
Thank you.
I pray for everyone affected by these tragic events.
Beautiful words for a grieving nation, Jingle. I am amazed by the bravery of the survivers. My heart goes out to them. Thank you for writing this in their honor.
What beautiful words Jingle. So very heartfelt.
The whole world feels for Japan at present, I can't begin to comprehend what they must all be going through.
its extremely deveastaed what happened, and jsut by watching knowing you cant do a thing ..but most important we as a world shud stand by and prayer for japan..that they will arise above this..nothing is impossible with God....his hands will lift them up...
an emotional write. you have caught the trauma within. well written.
What a tragedy.
Lovely thought, but the heart weeps for the folk in the thick of it. We give what we can and still feel helpless. irene has said it: grim.
Japan keeps us all busy. Thanks for your poem and thoughts about this enormous catastrophe. Yet I admire the resiliency of the survivors and their care for each other.
We must keep praying for them. We are all concerned about the nuclear power stations. How dangerous this all is. My post of today is not about Japan, for I had posted an entry on Friday.
The world has become so small...we now feel close to those so far away and agonize for them. Well done Jingle.
Jingle - I think you said this beautifully. Every time I see an image on TV or the computer screen, I want to cry. Your words echo a nation, in trying to make sense of the senseless. Well done.
Touching...hope the people are safe and get more helps they need ....a lovely tribute for them by you
this was horrible. hope they will soon get over it.
This is so heart breaking. My heart goes out to everyone.
Great nobel feelings Jingle... Thank you.
it's real sad. my country was hit by a Tsunami 6 years ago. it was such a horror. i can imagine how painful and devastating it is for those in Japan. my heart goes out to everyone there. i pray for strength and hope for them to rebuild their lives soon!! thank you for sharing this Ji.
A very compassionate post, Jingle.
so glad you joined in to hold hope, love and compassion for all those in need.
So sad.
Sydney - City and Suburbs
Hi Jingle~ Thank you for your brave sharing. I know your heart must be so heavy.
Everyone is working is no many different ways to help here, but perhaps the best thing we can do is pray, send positive thoughts, and invite refugees into our homes until things get settled out a bit...
Very moving. It is all so overwhelming to watch. I can't imagine living it.
Vivid imagery - tears and prayers for Japan.
Let's pray for Japan and the people, they need it bad. Thanks for the visit.
I am now following your blog.
Your poem is very well-written. I did enjoy reading but it makes me sad.
My daughter is making paper cranes for Japan. If they get 1000, it is supposed to be good luck.
I love "seaweed is wrapped around sushi"...
Nicely written, Jingle. And you're right. The situation in Japan is grim. Not only do they have to find enough food, shelter, clothing, and medicines for everyone, but they also have to battle with the radiation form their damaged nuclear power plant. The earthquake indeed brought a complete turnaround to their lives, but, with everyone's help and prayers, they will rise again.
at some point we want to have beer already as mineral waters are unvailable (my literal interpretation) :-)
thanks for your concerns. we are trying to be calm here in Japan even with continuous aftershocks. hopefully everything will be fine soon
I am praying for everyone in Japan too. I just hope that our thoughts and prayers will be heard....
Your post is truly beautiful.
Best wishes,
Really sad, your poem is filled with emotion. Nicely done!
Let us send hope and let us pray together here for Japan!
Thanks, Ji. So heartfelt about such a tragedy and how we all must be.
thnxxx jingle thank u sooo very much :)
Beautiful imagery amidst the pain. Jingles, there are many moving lines. One of my favorites is seaweed wrapped around sushi.
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