Getting smarter,
Raining smiles,
Out of the ground,
Happy Birthday 2 all April Babies!
Have free time?
Write a 160,
Tag Monkey man!

A-Z Challenge: G is 4 Growth, H is 4 Happy,
Sunday 160,
And Monday Poetry Potluck W30 Share 1 to 3 poems with Jingle Poetry Potluck, enjoy poetic friends, You are invited!,
Happy Birthday indeed!
Happy April birthdays :)
awe thanks i just had abirthday on the 5th. it was also bette davis's birthday as well
happy birthday april babies!
Hehe. Happy birthday to all April bloggers!
Ellie Garratt
That's me then..... thank you. I assume you're an April baby too? If so, many happy returns.
:D yeahh happy birthday to all April babies
Tickles popping up out of the ground? Does sound like fun. Thanks for playing along with the Sunday 160, Jingle.
Morning AJ:
I am not an April baby...
I am October baby, I simply made it up to do H word challenge.
not a perfect play, I know.
My hats off to anybody who can compose lovely poetry. This was superb!
Gotta love the image! haha
Happy birthday!
The cake is oh-so-cute!
an 'awwww' 160.
Happy Bday to you spring babies! And happy April to you Jingle!
Neat poem!
So cute!
Some great images there. Many happy returns!
Happy birthday to all...
Fun, pleasant work.
Great job & Happy Birthday All !!!
Lovely April.
You always make me smile, Jingle. : )
A lovely poem that makes me smile:)
i love the fun poems you write....takes us away from the seriousness of life..
happy bday to April babies.
April=Aries..but also I jumped the gun in March..with Aries, it's always who gets there first!!haha Greetings to all!!
Happy birthday to my younger sister and brother on the 1st and 6th of April, respectively.
I do know a lot of Aries... nice tribute to April birthdays!
Awww. Thats cute!
I am an April Baby too :)
Read your comment on my blog
Its one of the best comments I have ever received.
Well .. this is cool .. but I am unable to come up with 160 words for tagging monkey man ..
"Eating banana,
Jumping hither-pather
crouching on trees,
tasting tics.. I love you man"
Does that sound good!! Don't tell me!!
with warm regards
CatchyTips for writers
Interesting Input.Liked it!
sweet birthday wishes. :)
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