Monday, April 11, 2011

A-Z=I: I Enjoy Isolation

I enjoy isolation!

It is part of creative evolution,
Isolation projects satisfaction,
Via lots of actions,
Without direct objection,
Away from distractions,
Isolation is writers’ paradise,
A quality time to compose and surprise.

I enjoy isolation!

A quality time to compose and surprise,
Isolation is writers’ paradise,
Away from distractions,
Without direct objection,
Via lots of actions,
Isolation projects satisfaction,
It is part of creative evolution.


There are three different ways to write Palindrome poems, according to Inside My Poem Book:

1. Word Palindrome :- It can be read backwards, with the same words, for example, level, MADAM, racecar..
2. Mirrored Palindrome :-Here the words are reads the same forwards and backwards by letter and it is more difficult to write one
3. Line Palindrome :- in which the individual lines of a text make a palindromic sequence, that is, which reads forwards and backwards, by lines.

I write a Line Palindrome poetry on "I" and entering the following memes:
A-Z Challenge: I is 4 Isolation,

Monday Poetry Potluck W30 Share 1 to 3 poems with Jingle Poetry Potluck, enjoy poetic friends, You are invited!,

and Experiencing Poetry Forum Week 14: Palindrome,


Angela said...

I have an uncle who lives for palindromes. I could never get into them how he could, but with the stuff he could come up with, wow . . . it was an art!

bendedspoon said...

An enjoyable read and wonderful word for letter I! :)

MISH said...

Hey Jingle ~~ I'm sure you had lots of fun creating these lines !!
Well done !!
And thanks for swinging by my blog ..


Bossy Betty said...

You, me, and Emily Dickinson too!

ayala said...

Isolation can be great for the mind...

Unknown said...

Hey, Jingle. I love your topic and your delivery system, the palindrome. You expressed your feelings about isolation beautifully. I agree. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Uma Anandane said...

Your palindrome is quite classy and I like the way it is written .

Thanks for linking in for
Exploring Poetry

Happy Challenging!

Arlee Bird said...

I agree with the sentiments of this poem. Some isolation is healthy for the well mind.

The palindromic effect was very well presented.

Tossing It Out
Twitter hashtag: #atozchallenge

Unknown said...

Lovely. I've never tried to write palindromic poetry before. It sounds quite difficult.


This was wonderful Jingle, most impressive,


Jennifer Shirk said...

Wow, awesome poem! I'm I for impressed. :)

Caroline said...

What a great read for the letter I. You are so talented !!

Anonymous said...

Really, very nice Jingle! I love the rhyming combinations you have selected as well as the mirrored effect. I also love the subject: Isolation; I feel it is something we all look forward to as poets/poetesses and writers. Hope you have a lovely week and thanks are the best.

Ellie Garratt said...

I agree! Great poem!

Ellie Garratt

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Isolation is a writer's Heaven.

william manson said...

seems like heaven xxx

Tara Tyler said...

Very nice job on the poem =)
Happy I Day!

Jeeves said...

Nice one

T F Carthick said...

Nice thoughts and the palindrome worked well.

Tarang Sinha said...

Isolation is enjoyable and somewhat essential for creativity. Nice one.

Anonymous said...

i enjoyed your poem ~ thank you for the information on palindrome poetry, too. ♥ dani

Chim's World of Literature said...

isolation is the only way i can get my writing to flow in freedom, away from crowdyness..
great poem...i enjoyed it..

Anonymous said...

Very clever poem. Isolation...what is that??? I'd love some right now!

Anonymous said...

This is such fun! I didn't realize there were different ways to write them.

Anonymous said...

great subject and great write!

Talli Roland said...

I heart isolation so much that U have to force myself outside! :)

Anonymous said...

Fantastic! Such a clever idea and it works so well here. Well done jingle!

Rek Sesh said...

Great write and thought provoking words. :)

SweetMarie83 said...

I don't write poetry but I do enjoy reading it, and I enjoyed this! I also agree - I enjoy isolation, couldn't really write without it. I'm turning into a hermit though lol.

Rachel Hoyt said...

Great poem! I do love my solitary time. :)

Mia said...




Neha Misra said...

Its like a soul of a creative person..beautiful!

Anonymous said...

You picked a good topic for your palidrome and you executed it very well. Cute poem.

trisha said...

a poem full of wisdom.

The Book of Shadows (The Dark Side) said...

I have done mine too.. Wow, and yours is simply wonderful to read.. :)