Thursday, December 29, 2011

Flash Friday 55: Thinking of Paris

Come to a tour with me:
Italian's iron tower
under Paris weather,
German Berlin wall
in British London Bridge mood,
Pink cheery blossoms
next to young adult Christmas tree,
Snowflakes on top of new year's
celebration cakes,
Red roses
plus red wine,
The sky is raining under the Sun,
Take off your shoes,
Let's run!

Happy New Year to All!

Image Credit:


G-Man said...

Summer Rain...
Your vid was blank!
But...I loved the positive joyous 55. Thanks for playing, please join us again next, and have a Kick Ass New Year!

Jannie Funster said...

Love it!

I think of Paris a lot too.

Red wine.

Red roses.

The man with one red shoe. Well, Tom Hanks went to Paris a time or two, did he not?? :0

Brian Miller said...

nice...visiting europe is a dream of is all the better...smiles.

Teresa said...

How fun! I would so love to go running through the rain in Paris!

KB said...

I'd love to visit Paris. Nice 55.

Happy New Year.

TALON said...

Makes me want to dash along with you, wine goblet in hand :)

Happy New Year!

izzy said...

Good speed! and fun, thanks-

Margaret said...

Running in the Paris rain with wine and red roses... Now I just need Gene Kelly to dance with and all would be perfect! :)

MorningAJ said...

Am I allowed to say I prefer Amsterdam? Good poem.

Unknown said...

Never been to Europe but I like the sound of it through your words!

hedgewitch said...

Very scenic 55. I love the jumbled up sense of place and the fun it adds.

Anonymous said...

The Cello Strings: I have nominated you for the Candle Lighter Award:

Your poems are beautifully written!

Happy 2012!!


Vicki/Jake said...

Great words you share here! I too love rain and walking in it:}

anitamombanita said...

Lovely imagery in your words! Happy new year...may you run barefoot in the rain often! ;)

anitamombanita said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
william manson said...

awe what a great way to spend time, never been to Paris but I bet its beautiful, have been to France though xx Happy New Year dear xx

jenn said...

visiting fro jenny's!

Anonymous said...

I have never been to Paris, France. I have enjoyed exploring London though.

Unknown said...

We were in Paris, since it's only 5 hours from Amsterdam...but I expected a pic of the Berlin Wall? Because I lived in Berlin for a year.

jen said...

Ah, Paris in the rain. What is more romantic than that image? Thanks for sharing.

nicolewian said...

sounds lovely!

21 Wits said...

sounds like a really fun trip to me...!

Jenny said...

I loved this. I've never been so I never think of it!

I shall now!

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...


new orleans, louisiana is awesome place.

oyster is good.

Anonymous said...

lovely 55.