Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Brad Henry ( An Invincible Force)

A talented individual
in most contemporary history,
Brad Henry has been an invincible force
in fighting natural disasters,
He is everywhere
when Tornado hits his state,
He is with everyone
when secondary school students
desire encouragements,
He supports ordinary citizens,
He deserves a leadership role
to Americans,
with him being a friend,
Joy won't faint.

Image Credit: Google.com, Brad Henry and family


Anonymous said...

what a sweet tribe,

Thumbs up.

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...


Thanks for contributing to poetry picnic,

fantastic tribe to Brad Henry.


Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

Glad to read this.


Anonymous said...

love the spirits in this,

way to go.

Anonymous said...

this guy is my relative consin..
just kidding.
he looks handsome.

best wishes for his future promotions.

K. Shawn Edgar said...

A masked ball, a clan of beauty.

Paul said...

Quirky, interesting post - thanks! Viewed from the UK it's a bit of a window into a different world...

ZQ said...

Well! This was an interesting reading experience.

Anonymous said...

impressive guy to know.
Thanks for this.
