When I was a toddler,
I was given a trike,
I must have enjoyed the ride,
Because when I was a school aged girl,
I was learning how to ride a bike.
I fell a few times,
It hurts my side.
But I refused to give up.
I tried,
And tried,
I grew very tired.
I wanted to forget about riding a bike,
Thus I went to a hike
On a mountain site.
I used my legs as walking tool,
Which is slow and uncool.
I decided to keeping learning
About bike riding.
I got it perfectly.
It was a thrill to be able to ride a bike.
I love riding my bike,
And I carry so much pride
When I travel to visit places
That are full of graces.
How are You?
I am glad to be able to share my bike riding
experiences with you in a poetic form.
Thank YOU for visiting and commenting!
Happy Thursday!
You Rock!
now that was a lot of work
but so much fun
I have a bike that I got last year...still haven't ridden it
great job jingle personal experience
Persistence pays off. :)
that was fun to read :) I could just see you toodling along :-)
nice ji. teaching my boys to ride has been a highlight to watch them going from unsteady to eagles wings...
Fun stuff. Biking is one of the best parts of childhood.. and beyond.
What a fun subject! I still love riding my bike!
Its good for your health
ride a bike :))))
Loved your poem !!!!
Jing,Great post!
I really love to ride bike too. This will also help to exercise intead of treadmill.
mine is up!
Hi! JIngle..
thiat was a fun read...
hope u are an expert in riding now?
wanna join foe a race? :)
hve a gr8 day...
Learning riding a bike
It was a cool thing to do
When life was young
Riding it perfectly
Sometimes to show aerobatic skills
Like you see in the TV shows
Guys would do the stunt harmlessly
In the village to impress the girls
Running the bike
Then hopped on with it
Pedalling quickly to let it rides
It felt good to be free
Else one riding it
The other guy has to hop in
Without falling from the bike
One becomes two on the road
Riding without holding the handle bars
Pedalling it around the village road
Girls would say trying to show off
Guys would say it was skill honed in practise
Riding bike in group
Ringing the bells riding by
Along the streets...........
Until the years took our youth
29/4/10 4.53pm
p/s just sharing take care
Wow. That was a nice poem. BTW, Bike riding is the biggest achievement for any kid. Everyone has fallen off it. Riding brings a big smile.
Have an awesome day...:)
I love this Jingle :)
I haven't ridden a bike in years but got on one a week ago and it hurt my bum.
Fun read.....thanks for your writings
awesome :]
yup i would love to be a part of that but what i have to do? O.o
thanks for following ^_^
following you back ^_^
lovely and so free!
fun fact: I taught myself how to ride a bike!
Peace ~ Rene
Love the poem! Great writing.
Jingle wise words. Simple philosophy. I like it. I am glad you are not a bump dweller but maybe one day your bike will need to be repaired and then "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle madness" will come in handy. It is always good to be handy! As is your finely tuned poetry! :)
Excellent my friend. Well done. Persistence does pay off :)
I wonder if I can still ride a bike . . .
Makes me want to reinvest in a bike and go for a ride. Learn it all over again!
Reading this made me want to buy a bike again, I haven't had one since I was a kid.
i am likening your bike riding to me and my spiritual path. I have been moving moving and at times i just want to stop but every time i come back to movement... forward... yay! Thank you for your words!
that was a fun read! i saw your comment on my blog and thought i'd stop by to read yours.
ah memories of bygone days, lovely, loved this xxxx
oh jingle, what a fun ride you took us on today...i enjoy myself tremendously!!
I was never a big person only small
Learning balance only to fall
But determined I was to see it thru
It went with great confidence and knew what to do
I thought on how to keep moving at will
Instead of trying hard to stay very still
enjoy Jingle great poem as well(+)
Such an encouraging, positive poem. Well done, Jingle. Your rock too.
Sweet Theme Thursday and cute picture.
Thanks for a look at you
Great poem!! Haven't been on a bike in years!
lovely. its a great joy to ride two wheelers.
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