Monday, April 26, 2010

Tuesday Beach Haiku

Free your tightened chest,
Forget about your subject test,
Simply relax and rest!


Brian Miller said...

that sure would be nice. smiles.

Suz said...

with the ocean at my feet..i could
thanks for stopping by my
My Open Bar of Joy (my garden)
come by again...

Christina - Rant Rave Roll said...

Another reminder of how much I need a vacation. *closes eyes and transports self to deserted island*

Dr. Heckle said...

Sounds like a good idea!

Thanks for stopping by! Following you now!

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Wouldn't a rest away on a tropic island be nice?

Here's a haiku from my fantasy, THE MOON & SUN AS HIS BRIDES :

Beyond earth and sky,
Tears of the moon fall,
My heart cries alone.

Have a mental vacation whenever you can, Roland

Sheri said...

jingle, your words would be so much easier for me to follow if i was in that beautiful place!

THE BEATY said...

aw so wish to be in tropics thanks jingle

Luisa Doraz said...

Sounds good to me. :) Like your blog. You are awesome. :)

Amy said...

This is probably my favorite haiku I have ever read. Ah, just makes me smile and de-stress all at the same time.

P.S. I love your new blog!

Stephanie said...

Oh I would love to spend a couple of days on that beach!
PS I'm your newest follower:)

Kat_RN said...

How very appropriate for me. I take my last final exam today. If I close my eyes, I can smell the ocean.
Thanks for the break,

Harnett-Hargrove said...

That's what those trees are doin'! -J

Anonymous said...

That would be awesome...:)
Take Care!

suryagni said...

amen. :)

by the way can you post comments in william's blogs?

i tried both blogs and failed

♥ Kathy said...

Very nice and just what I need to do!

Kathy G said...

Great idea to remember! Thanks for stopping by my "old" blog today.

Maude Lynn said...

Great idea!

Jen said...

I'm in! Point me in the direction of the beach.

PhilO♥ said...

Just came across your blog!
Nice post :)

buffalodick said...

Peace is in your mind
not a location on Earth
Found without travel.

Anya said...


I wish I was there ......


joanna said...

I have a picture like that in my sons bathroom --- as a reminder to dream beautiful dreams ... lovely Haiku I feel relaxed already.


william manson said...

tranquil, sedate, beautiful and so is the picture xx

Amy said...

This morning I woke up with a limerick in my head. I am not exactly sure why, but since you love poetry so much, I thought I would share.

There once was a man from Nantucket
Who wanted a ride in a bucket
But when he sat down
He fell on his crown
No more is the man from Nantucket

sheila said...


ZENDOM said...

Freedom with the breeze as a tropical wind eases your burdens and revives your Soul in Consciousness...enjoy as well(+)

One Prayer Girl said...

Now I remember why I am so happy to be no longer in school or in the work force. Retirement rocks. :)


vidya said...

A very relaxing and calm haiku indeed. Glad to see you visiting my blog and for the kind words. The 'thursday tales rally' you are managing is amazing and Im very much interested. Thankyou for the invitation. I will start participating soon. The coming month is going to be very tight, but I'l be a regular visitor:)
Good day!

Anonymous said...

Such simplicity expresses a million thoughts. I'm smiling :)

Anonymous said...

Keep posting stuff like this i really like it