Friday, July 9, 2010

55-Misconception Costs

Everything is 'perfect' between the two, until one day, she decides to follow him for once.
And she sees him stop at his ex-girlfriend's house.
She wants revenges.
He's shocked to catch her in the arms of his best friend.
Misconception costs.
She doesn't know that he has gone to bid final goodbye, nothing more.

Write a fictional story in 55 words. Give it a try and notify G-man at:

Happy Flash Fiction Friday, Everyone!
Thank You for Reading and Commenting!


Bubba said...

A sage 55 indeed, Jingle.
(Heed this warning, people!)

Heff said...

"a fictional story in 55 words".

There. I'm done !

magiceye said...


Mona said...

Revenge is an entrapment for ourselves! It never satisfies!


A wonderful 55 words. most enjoyable to read.


Anonymous said...

If she only knew. :) Revenge is never good. I really enjoyed this :) Have a great weekend :)

Lourie said...

I am a lover of words. It would be soo very hard for me to limit a story to 55. With that being said, job well done!

Life@Cee said...

Communication is so hard, especially between the sexes, it's a wonder we ever get anything right. I especially liked the rhythm of your poem.

g-man said...

Jingle Belle...
Jumping to conclusions can get you in trouble.
Excellent 55 My Dear!!
Than you so much for this fine contribution with a message..
Have a Kick Ass Week-End...G

paige said...

wow. sad.

Rosaria Williams said...

Oh, what a sad misunderstanding!

Bernie said...

Well done Jingle....:-) Hugs

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Wow...Revenge in itself is a misconception too. Great 55!

Anonymous said...

Nice 55, Jingle. Revenge is always bitter. Not the right thing to do in any situation.

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Wow! Oh the sad deception of misconceived perception!

Blessings & Aloha!

Claudia said...

Ohhhh - best-friends arms is very bad
I think that would hurt a man twice
Hard blow!

Shriti said...


nice one jingle ^^

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Succinct and to the point!

Happy Pink Saturday, Jingle!


Sheila :-)

buffalodick said...

All too often...

Tina said...

Great reminder about jumping to conclusions.

gayle said...

oh wow all she had to do was ask!!

THE BEATY said...

wow thats a great story and in only 55 words wow

ZENDOM said...

Oh well in my ventures I did find
Something wrong in my mind
As to follow him to another spot
It seems familiar I have not forgot
As to find the lover in their caress
To get up and leave this ugly mess

enjoy Jingle, HAPPY SATURDAY TO YA(+)

Donnetta said...

Jingle: Neat story. Shows how wrong we can be. Oh, that tendency to jump to conclusions! D

Lyn said...

So clever..yes, we must be careful!