What did one magnet say to the other? (I find you attractive)
Why is a calendar so sad? (Its days are numbered)
What did one arithmetic book say to the other? (We've problems)
What has two arms but can't raise them? (a chair)
What did one autumn leaf say to another? (I'm falling 4 u)
Write a poem or a fictional story in 55 words. Give it a try and notify G-man at:
I write these jokes (not my original work) and hope that you enjoy them!
Happy Sunday!

Why is a calendar so sad? (Its days are numbered)
What did one arithmetic book say to the other? (We've problems)
What has two arms but can't raise them? (a chair)
What did one autumn leaf say to another? (I'm falling 4 u)
Write a poem or a fictional story in 55 words. Give it a try and notify G-man at:
I write these jokes (not my original work) and hope that you enjoy them!
Happy Sunday!

great laughs. Happy weekend to you..
Cheesy jokes are the best!
I love those silly jokes!
Thanks for the smile Jingle! Have a wonderful weekend.
jingle, you never fail to make me laugh and this time i felt like a kid all over again as i read your jokes...how creative, sweet girl!
Very funny.... have a great weekend!
Love it you brought a smile to my face. Have a great one.
I'd like to copy your jokes to have fun with my nieces, they would love them. I thought they were so cute. Enjoy your Sunday... Big Hugs:-)
A great laugh to start my day, thanks for sharing.
HA! These were great Jingle. Very funny. Love those pictures too.
nice ones :D
happy weekend :D
Really cute.. love the pic of the staked cats too.
Ha! I love the first one. Thanks for visiting mine!
lol, Jingle! The calendar one cracked me up!
Happy Sunday to you too. The cat photos made me smile, how on earth did the layered one happen, I wonder? Thanks for visiting my site:)
Happy sunday Jingle. Those were adorable and made me chuckle
You made me laugh and groan. :)
What a fun post! Thank you for stoping by yesterday and do check out my blog when you can as I am having a big giveaway, Kristin xo
Love it, Jingle, they brought such a smile to my face. My favourite one was the calender joke: my days are numbered - ha! :D
Thanks Jingle!Great post! Happy Sunday!
What did The G-Man say to his Jingle Belle?
This was so sweet of you to do this, and the 55 in the Comments, Plus your one on Word Press?
Thats 3 55's?
My you sure are inspired.
Thank You from the bottom of my heart...G
LOL..I love these jokes.
The kitty's are so cute!!
Have to admit that a few words I would not have found. A great start into the new week for you.
daily athens
lol hilarious post dear xxx
Great post.. and laughs..
Yours Frendly,
Saravana Kumar M
Hehehe, these are cute!
Help us plant more trees....
good smile material, jingle.
here's one from the old days:
what's green and plays a guitar?
elvis parsley!
Cute jokes and pics! Happy Sunday (except its Monday and I am a day late and a dollar short!) :)
thanks for the laughs !!
Thank you for your visit Jingle! Have a great Monday, Kristin xo
Those are cute.
Hehe I so love the laughs and the pics are perfect :)
Goofy! I love it!
he he...its great, I like it.
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