Monday, August 2, 2010

Microfiction Monday #42-Spend Seven Nights There

"Spend Seven nights there,
Write a creepy fiction,
Then we pay you to your satisfaction."
Andy's hands shake.
What's the decision?


This is an entry for Micro-Fiction Monday #42 at SUSAN’S Storny River:
Jingle’s post contains 136 characters, space included…
;) ;) ;)
Happy Monday!
Happy August!



A bit spooky I'd say.


Ellie Garratt said...

Very 'The Shining' or 'Bates Motel'. Can I stay there? I'd love to know what happens next, though I'm sure I'll soon regret it LOL.

Unknown said...

Hmm, no thanks, too spooky for me.

Well done.

TALON said...

I don't think I could spend one night there - never mind seven! Super scary sounding, Jingle!

Happy August to you!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm could be a eerie deal if you ask me. Very well done. Have a great Monday :)

g-man said...

Jingle Belle...?
I LOVED your Story!

Pat said...

Oh, this microfiction is super! Creepy, but super!

Unknown said...

Yikes! Not sure that wager is worth it.

Karen S said...

Love microfiction!

K said...

Go for it!
Spooky yet oh so inspiring.

Lourie said...

I think I would turn tail and run!

Unknown said...

I don't believe I would spend one minute there. lol

Great 140! Thanks for sharing.

Gemma Wiseman said...

A great challenge for the brave! Well said!

Alexis AKA MOM said...

I like the spooky :)

hope said...

I don't know...looks kinda comfy. In its own way. :)

JBSTUFF said...

I got dibs on stealing the towels.

Susan at Stony River said...

They couldn't pay me enough - especially if it rained! LOL

Gee said...

thanks for visiting my blog...

Gandhali said...

happy monday!

jabblog said...

I'd have to be very poor - or very greedy - to take on that challenge ;-)

Anonymous said...

That's spooky. I could never spend seven nights there.

Coffeeveggie addict. said...

Nice capture!thanks f0r the visit'

Bossy Betty said...

Ohhhhhhh.. Good one, Jingle!

Reader Wil said...

Happy Tuesday, Jingle! Thanks for your visit, dear Jingle!

Dhemz said...

I don't think I could spend a night either...ehhehehe! so spooky!

came here to visit....:)

Caty said...

Very nice jingle...but I think I may turn down the offer...then again, maybe not. everyone needs a little excitement, right? ;)

Akelamalu said...

I suppose it would be just like camping out! LOL

Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

Nice one Jingle, I wonder what Andy wrote to make his had shake.

Jingles said...

Great addition in the world of jingles.

JamieDedes said...

Ha! Clever . . . :-)

Jim said...

"Spend Seven nights there,
Write a creepy fiction,
Then we pay you to your satisfaction."
Andy's hands shake.
What's the decision?

Let's take it!

This is neat, Jingle. I'm sorry I took so long getting back. My week was busy and hectic.

JamieDedes said...

Rather in the spooky spirit of some old gothic romance. Nicely done, Ji!