Everyone loves money, lots of it, however

Money can buy food, but not fulfillment,
Money can buy clothes, but not coziness,
Money can buy a car, but not safety,
Money can buy a book, bu not knowledge,
Money can buy a sale deal, but not success,
Money can buy information, but not version,
Money can buy glasses, but not vision,
Money can buy a home, but not happiness,
Money can buy sleep, but not relaxation,
Money can buy a degree, but not education,
Money can buy power, but not peace,
Money can buy a clock, but not time,
Money can buy freedom, but not wisdom,
Money can buy relieve, but not believe,
Money can buy medicine, but not health,
Money can buy acceptance, but not respect,
Money can buy copyrights, but not human rights,
Money can buy sex, but not love,
Money can buy anything, nut not everything.
Your turn:
Money can buy_____, but not _________.
Money can buy Encyclopedias but not Common Sense
Money can buy judges but not justice.
A wonderfully wise and very resounding poem, Jingle. True - there is more to life than money. Money can buy you a house but not a home.
That is so true! Mine: Money can buy you CDs but not make music :)
Wise words, Jingle! So true. I loved Susan's response - sadly, that's very true!
And I'm drawing a total blank and I can't think of one.
Money can buy beauty but not make one beautiful. How's that? This was excellent!
Money can buy you friends but not true friendship.
money cant by you love xxx
Money can buy food but not taste
.....:-) Hugs
Power, but not respect.
money can by a video game but not true imagination.
Very well said Jingle.. Money can buy anything but not a Mom's Love..
--Someone Is Special--
Well done, I have enjoyed these very much.
This is wonderful !! Love it !! Money can buy material things But money can't buy true love.
Money can buy many acquaintances but not one true friend.
So true, money cannot buy everything (but I sure wouldn't mind having more of the stuff, all the same)!
Money can buy a computer - but not blogger friends!
Money can buy you religion but not faith...
money can buy pens and papers - but no poetry...smiles
very wise words Jingle!
Very true and wise words.
Money can buy you a bed, but no sleep.
nicely done.
Money can buy a trip but not a vacation.
Money can buy house but not home!
Money can buy pleasures but not joy...
Money can buy friends, but not love.
Money can buy a house, but not a home.
I think you covered every base!!! And I agree! And money is the root of all evil.
money can buy attention but not time.
My husband won't get me the carrot cake. I have to do that on my own. If we are at the store and I say I want some he will get it then..
Money can buy things but not happiness.
Money can provide internet connection but not comments from really fun and wonderful people.
Thank you.
You wouldn't believe how much I am thankful for this entry of yours ! Please have a wonderful Thursday.
daily athens
Oh, this is probably my favorite poem yet! Such meaning and I love how you include us at the end - brilliant!
Thank you too for your sweet comment - it made me smile :) Kristin xo
I do agree!!!
So true... money can buy so many things but no peace and happiness... But its really sad that everyone runs behind money!!!
All so true...
thanks for the visit...
money can buy art but not artist
thanks a ton for responding to this post,
u r all very smart and intelligent...
I love the way you played the money game with me.
Happy Thursday!
Another stunning poem.
Someone already grabbed mine. Hmmmm.
Money can buy a camera but not photographic talent.
Amazing, we always talk about what money can buy and what money can't give. And you wrote that into a beautiful poetry. :)
I believe everyone has it covered...all so very true!
Money can buy a watch, but not time
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