Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I Love Orange, How About You?


This entry is 4 Alphabe-Thursday Rainbow Summer School Rainbow Orange:

I love orange,
How about you?
Happy Thursday!
Enjoy The Color of Orange!


Someone is Special said...

Aww! Orange... Very very cute.. Recently Netherland have organized a orange festival which is full of orange, orange, orange..
Thanks for the stopping by Few Miles: Save a Heart Initiative!

Yours Frendly,
Saravana Kumar M

Christy said...

It is such a wonderful sunny color! Great orange post!

justsomethoughts... said...

when you put it like that, it is very pretty indeed.

Jo said...

wonderful collection of orange photos ... orange is so beautiful!

Maude Lynn said...

Gorgeous examples!

SuziCate said...

Orange is awesome; love it!

signed...bkm said...

Great pics Jingle... you are like that energizer bunny....great job...bkm

Anonymous said...

Great Summer color my friend :)

Caroline said...

Great pics and my son loves orange.
Great post !!!


TALON said...

Orange, to me, is the wake-up color! Loved the pics, Jingle!

Unknown said...

Great pics! I would never wear orange, but I love what mother nature does with the colour.

Kimberly said...

I do like orange. Yellow-orange is my favorite color.

Thanks for the share!

Caroline said...

What fun. I feel like collecting orange photos too now...
THanks for the comments on my blog.

Amy said...

Oh, now I need fall to come. I love those photos! I am desperately in love with fall leaves and am having serious cravings for them about now. Thank you for letting me have a sweet breather with those images. :)


A wonderful post about the colour orange and the drink orange bith good in my estimation.


Cindy said...

Orange is always a feel good color and I love the scent in my house. love your blog Jingle, Now that my life is settling down I will be by to visit more often. hugs.

Kat said...

I love orange and these are great pictures. The pumpkins are adorable, and that sunset is stunning!

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Beautiful orange color in your photos..They are vibrant and cheerful..

Anonymous said...

I love the pumpkins. Their experssions are wonderful. Great post.

Birdie said...

this is beautiful Jingle! beautiful, love the Indian summer leaves, just love it! :-) happy day to you :-)

pH_the princess said...

Happy Thursday to you too Jingle :)
Nice orange images !

Caty said...

It's almost that time of year :) Lovely photos!!

Christi S said...

beautiful pics! I love orange, so I'm loving everyone's orange pics!

Unknown said...

I like some shades of orange. Sunshiney orange is pretty! Love the pictures

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

Great colour but I have to be careful eating oranges - am allergic to too much citric acid.

Bubba said...

I posted Ken Nordine's "Orange" with links to some of my
orange' pictures.Orange!

Susan Anderson said...

You're right. We were on the same wavelength this week. I guess because orange looks best in nature!


Lourie said...

I love the fall colors! They are so beautiful! Great pictures.

Viki said...

I love all your fall photo's. I can't wait for it lol. I love oj too. Great orange post.

Toni said...

Orange is my favorite color!!! Loved the pictures!

Max-e said...

Orange is such a cheerful colour. The Eastern Cape is awash with orange at the moment with the aloes, strelitzias and cape honeysucle in flower. I have featured a lot of orange in my series on the Flowers of the Eastern Cape.
Thanks for stopping by at the Max Files

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I do love the color orange! It started in childhood because of Halloween pumpkins ;-)

JStar said...

Fall is coming...Thanks for the reminder...Beautiful pics :)

Lola said...

Beautiful images as añways Jingle!

Have a lovely weekend,


Sam Liu said...

I love, love the colour orange - one of my favourite colours. These photographs are beautiful, Jingle, thanks for sharing them. I especially liked the Autumn pictures :)

Jenners said...

I always thought I didn't really like the color orange but your post has changed my mind!!!

Robynn's Ravings said...

Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment! :) I sincerely appreciate it.

Yes, I DO love orange and your photos are great. When I grew up we got an orange organdy couch. Sounds gross but it was really pretty! lol I loved it!

Unknown said...

Hey!thanks a lot for stopping by.
oh yeah..we love is such a vibrant colour, never fails to brighten your day.
loved your orange pictures.

you might like to read this post of ours on 'Tangerine'

Unknown said...

lovely photos! i enjoyed them immensely!

william manson said...

pretty pictures from a pretty lady xxx I love orange juice lol xx

KB said...

The first couple of pics remind me of Autumn walks with my Gran. Thanks for the lovely memory.

Unknown said...

I like orange too and red and blue and green and brown hehe

Happy Thursday

The Decorative Dreamer said...

Love your oranges too! I especially love the fall leaves, silly pumpkin, and orange juice! Wonderful photos!

Rosaria Williams said...

Much to love here! Now, we're all in the mood to splurge and jump into a pool of orange crush. Happy us.

Unknown said...

gorgeous photos...i will admit however that the one of the pumpkin did creep me out a bit ;)

Pondside said...

Great photos!
I can't say that I love orange, but I am strangely attracted to it.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Orange is my favorite color!

Dawn said...

I do enjoy it. It's even starting to slip into my decor and clothing. Lovely cheerful photos!

easternsparkle said...

Love the pics - especially the pumpkins!!

Cheryl said...

I love YOUR choices for orange.

Terra said...

nice orange stuff! Stuff...what a horrible word. Sorry about that...i do pretty much like orange...sometimes anyway.

JamieDedes said...

Wow! I love it. What could be more cheerful! Happy celebration of orange, Ji!

Maria's Space said...

Now that is very orange! The leaves are amazing.

Ana Goncalves said...

Orange is the color of radiance! My partners color is orange! I gave him a bright orange tie not so long ago, and his business website is orange too. Good combination! :) Happy Summer - Love Ana

ds said...

That sunset wins. Glorious!

gayle said...

Very pretty pictures!! Orange is my grandson's favorite color!!

Unknown said...

I do love orange and oranges. I just don't like to wear the color as I'm pale and it washes me right out.

Lovely pictures. Take care & God bless.

Jenny said...

Jingle, what a wonderful stop on our little journey through Alphabe-Thursday's Rainbow Summer School.

I love all your orange images but my personal favorite is the sunset.

Thank you for linking.


Serline said...

So many likable candidates, but the sunset-reflection pic is my favorite!