Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sunday 160-A Home Run Is Made

A perfect contact is made,
The ball sails with speed limit beyond 35 m/h,
All the way
Cross the fence,
Shout the crowd,
A Home Run is done!


What can you say in 160 characters? (spaces included)

Check it out on Monkey Man at

Many thanks for reading it.

Please feel free to pick some awards from my previous post.
U Rock!
Have A Jump Start Next Week!


Monkey Man said...

Fun bit of 160 play. Thanks so much for playing.

Harris Channing said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I like your 160! Very fun!

Caty said...

wonderful and fun! I just went to a baseball game Thursday and this fit in perfectly :) Nice one, Jingle

Rosaria Williams said...

Fun! And on a Soccer Final, a baseball metaphor is still good.

Anonymous said...

Fun and Cute!!! In the spirit of sports.. NICE!!!

TALON said...

Home runs are fun! Great 160, Jingle!

DrSoosie said...

Coming from a big baseball family I have to say I love your poem. There is something so profoundly American and heartfelt about baseball. it typifies everything American. I am so glad you shared. Hope you had a great Sunday Jingle!

Alice Audrey said...

A measly 35mph? Definitely not a pro.

Thanks, Jingle, you brought a smile to my face.

Sheri said...

hey jingle, you hit this one right out of the park :) what a wonderful 160, you did such a great job putting it together!!

Amy said...

I love baseball.

Alexis AKA MOM said...

You always do such an awesome job. Love this one!

PattiKen said...

Perfect 160 for a summer Sunday! Go Red Sox!


Excellent post. enjoyed very much,


Caroline said...

I love baseball and I love this.


Kimberly said...

Lovely post as always.

Unknown said...

Well done Jingle, great job putting this together.

Anonymous said...

This was a nice 160. Home runs always fun to watch. Great post!

Tabor said...

You captured the spirit of the moment. Congrats!

Birdie said...

Fun one to read Jingle. Happy summer to you :-)

EG CameraGirl said...

Oh, what a neat post! Excellent!

Barbara said...

Love your 160! And there is a very special crack! when there's a great hit. Very distinct.
Have a happy week, Jingle!

Alexandra said...

Love the look of your blog!!!!

THE BEATY said...

nice discribing baseball in 160. Also I appologize for being behind on thursday poet rally. I have been travaling the past few weeks

Claudia said...

Jingle - I know nothing about this game - but your description is very lively - although it's so short...
Thanks for your nice words over at my blog - so nice to meet you!

Cielo Azul Jewelry said...

Makes me want a hot dog and peanuts=0)

Have a great Monday,

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Fun word play! Happy Blue Monday, Jingle!


Sheila :-)

Marshy said...

you nearly got me into baseball then..i say if he had scored a goal..great 160 cheers pete

joanna said...

Reminds me of my Dad who loved baseball and would take to me to see the Yankees when I was very young.

thanks, Joanny

JamieDedes said...

Excellent! Thanks . . . love all the b-ball stuff a this time of year.


Anjum Wasim Dar said...

we dont have this game in our country but I love it...great impression...