Gradually Gain,
Gracefully Grin;
Gratefully Get,
Greatly Greet;
Gorgeously Glow,
Genuinely Grow.
Gently Glide,
Ghastly Gaze;
Gleefully Gasp,
Generally Gamble.
Grudgingly Grind,
Ghostly Gather.
Generally Give,
Girlishly Giggle.
Gigantically Go,
Gratifying Grab.
Glamorously Graduate,
Gruelingly Grip.
Groundlessly Groan,
Grumpily Grunt.
Guiltlessly Guarantee,
Gullibly Gush.
Gingerly Glance,
Gifted Garden,
Good Goal,
Go, Go, G-man!
Flash Friday 55 is hosted by G-man at:
ABC Wednesday is hosted by
Happy September!
Happy Autumn!
Gosh, Golly, Gee, that's a lot of G's!!
Great. A good gesture. :)
Gee, that's an awesome gaggle of G's. Good!
There is always goody,goody.
Gratifyingly giggling. Cute post.
what a great little tongue twister...amazing 55 G words!
You go, girl! This had me smiing, Jingle! That's a lot of G!
Great Great Great Jingle..
Very cute..
--Someone Is Special--
Great & Gifted !!!!
creative concept cleverly crafted
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
I don't think there are any words left to add. Wonderful Jingle.
Gee gigantic!!could never think of 55, well done!!!LOL Love it!
God bless you friend. Hugs CML
What's the matter, Jingle? You gonna be out of town on Friday, or are you just trying to get a jump on the competition? (LOL!)
Interesting 55!
Now this took some thought now...You put it together so nicely :)
I thought Gosh, golly gee...funny!
Oh, this is such goofy, goodness, it makes me want to giggle!
That's lot of G's, but very wonderful!
I understand the 55 sign, but I am trying to figure out the horse picture.
Some hints?
Wonderful alliteration, Jingle! I've never seen so many Gs :D
Wonderful alliteration, Jingle! I've never seen so many Gs :D
Happy Thursday to you.. Enjoy your day..
Nice study and collection...great ,good work.
awsome, collection of beauties xxx
Jingle Belle...
Loved your little word game 55.
A little GOOFY, but otherwise GLIMMERING!!!
Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Holiday Week-End...G
I really did love it...:-)
well done!! what a wonderful glossary of g-words!!
You are so clever, Jingle. I love this. And your word pairings are perfect.
Nicely played with G...Thanks for taking time to read and comment on my posts.
I guess you gobbled a dictionary for this one! :)
G! This was GOOD!
You will need a knife and fork again for mine! lol!
All of a sudden, I feel giddy!
jingle - this is FANTASTIC!!!
my 55 is here
Great - generous gesture and I giggled to the 55er end.
Very talented you are.
Gee! That is a lot of "G's".
Had to skip G this week but am so glad to see you G'd it up enough for both of us. Plus it's a 2-fer with the G-Man!
Galloping Goshes! Here's my Friday 55. Hope your week goes well
this is so creative
How fun!
my name beings with g :D :D
I read it twice! Pretty cool, Jingle!!
I bet G-Man really liked this.
Great collection of Gs :)
Great grasp...
Grand G-ness.
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