Upon the beginning of Fall,
Where apple trees stand proud and tall,
U see apples hang up high,
Some are brave, some are shy.
Apples come in various shapes and sizes,
The benefits of eating them outshine any prizes.
When hunger hits you big,
U have No chance to pick.
In an apple eating contest,
Things happen in the way you may have never guessed.
Crunch, Crunch,
Eat them raw,
Munch, Munch,
Exercise your jaw.
Three days without a meal,
U swallow 54 apples in a row,
With the 55th apple you must deal,
U bite into an apple with a flaw,
Everyone laughs at you
When you chew,
And complete your due.
U win the competition
With your freshly demonstrated reputation-
The tolerance of everything
This is an entry 4 Magpie Tale #30 which is hosted by willow at:
Happy Friday,
Happy Story Telling!

Very cute poem. I enjoy reading your poems, they are so creative. What a gift.
I receied an award and am sharing it with you on my blog.
I love apples - my favorite fruit - so this really worked for me!
(Might have to make an apple pie soon!)
Loved the spirit of this poem!
all those apples
a fun to read poem, Jingle
We're just getting into apple season here and it's one of the best things about autumn. And now I'm hankering for some apple crisp! :)
very fun read! Love it!
Love your rhyme, and love the apple you chose to photograph. Who doesn't like apples?
I especially loved the words that had 'sounds!'
That is way more tolerance than I could come up with!
Fun theme for an autumn poem ...I could not imagine eating 55 apples!
Very creative and a pleasure as always to read.
I love apples
I love this so good once again !!!
Look at that color with green and red
See it in front of you as it is straight ahead
There is a nip in the air
Feels so good and to be well Aware
But the smell of crisp on an orchard farm
It is the pride of New York and its apples charm
enjoy Jingle and Happy Saturday to ya(+)
Very clever. I love reading your poems.
apples are so good and so was this poem :)
Oooo, you're making me look forward to Fall apples! :)
This is wonderful! Its cheerful and upbeat, and I love the tolerance at the end.
Sweet apple pie my favorite.
Now I'm craving apple pie, too.
Apples are a great fruit! And so was this piece!
An attractive and good poem on apple----i really like your poetries.
I LOVE IT!!! The tolerance of everything!! Not only are you a terrific poet, you are also a wit!! Love, love, love this one! ~Janine XO
brave and shy apples - tolerate diversity - so cool jingle!
read the interview the other day at poets united - was great to learn a bit more about you
have a nice weekend!
I think I am ready for Fall but not Winter..
I love the poem, cute rhymes! Coincidentally, I wrote a rhyming poem for this Magpie as well!
You have a wonderful imagination and a gift with words.
Nice and whimsical piece, Jingle.
I bump into, I think. over on
Jannie Funster's site. If not, maybe
you should go there. Your whimsey
and humor would fit right in.
Hi there!
Thank you so much for your visit and sweet comments! Your work is such an inspiration and I love reading your poems - this one is no exception,
Kristin xo
So much fun, but i would hate to be sharing your bathroom after you ate 55 apples! Tell me you didn't!
Stafford Ray:
Wow, this is a fiction written for fun, Glad that you live in another part of the planet, not in apple land or apply eating people land...
I can only eat one apple a day, ..
Thanks for the humor,
That's a lot of apples!
lovely and very unique
54 apples and the 55th comin' up! Reminds one of the egg-eating scene in "Cool Hand Luke."
Neat fun poem.
Apples are due soon - a delightful read!
cute poem and beautiful photos!
so unique, friend... what a fresh twist. thank you.
55 apples! That would have some dire consequences on the organism.
Funny poem! I love the rhythm and rhyme of these lines,
"Crunch, Crunch,
Eat them raw,
Munch, Munch,
Exercise your jaw."
I think I may use your apple poem for my classroom when we head up our Johnny Appleseed/Apple unit! (with your permission of course!)
I loved this poem - juicy and bouncy and a pleasure to picture!
Wow 55 apples...do not know if I could handle that....cute Magpie...bkm
Brave and shy apples--love that--and the message not quite disguised by the lilting rhythm and rhyme. Nice magpie (sorry I missed it earlier)!
Cute! That would be a strange diet, 55 apples! Nice photo at the top, also.
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