Boyish smiles on face,
Tangled hair shows grace,
Without question, dreams creep
in her sleep.
Typically, there may be a ship
with parties and gasps,
There may be a partnership
with defying parades,
No flames seen unless you knock her thigh
and wake her up to clarify,
If she's mad,
Everything is a secret, unsaid.

This is an entry for the following: G-man’s Flash Friday 55, Big Ten Poetry, And Writer’s Island: Secret
Well, Jingle...I see you can kill two (make that three birds) with one stone. You create a wonderful image of a "happy place"...and woe to anyone who might disturb. Very nice job, and thank you for visiting my site. Vb
lovely 55
This is beautiful, Jingle. I have not read all of your work, but this is my favorite, so far.
Really wonderful.
If you tell her you were watching her sleep, she'll still be mad.
You've blended the words like magic!
They give fun prompts at BTP. That one was last week's...you did great. This week's prompt was posted on Monday and it's to write a science poem. With your math background that should be a piece of cake!
Wonderful Jingle , it may be only 55 words but the magic was there,
Nice job of using the Wordle.
I don't think I've ever come across a poetry blog before. Was your challenge to use 55 words? Beautiful results.
This is fun to read! I enjoyed the rhyming, use of the Wordle words, and using 55 words! Nicely done!
This is a fantastic portrait! I especially like the last two lines. She definitely sounds familiar with her angry secrets. Great 55!
Dreamy... perfect.
Lovely dreamy scene you've captured here... :) I like the last line a lot.
Thanks for your comment on my poem, "Offering"
Jingle, who would dare disturb what dreams may come? Oh, well.
Nice one and the word box is fantastic!
What a wonderful way to respond to all the memes. Great job.
"Everything is a secret" - love it!
in 55 words you expressed so beautifully!! wonderful
I love how you worked all those words in, Jingle. And created a really neat 55!
Three prompts! Pretty darn good, Jingle.
You are very inspired this week Jingle Belle.
Your creative juices are flowing.
Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End
I like this, very much. Thinking of my love as she sleeps - the expressions on her face, as I assume she thinks of me - of course it is me. But yes, to get the final answer, I must wake my love, and oh how I love her.
Nice 55. Love it.
Sweet! I like how the secret is unsaid. Dreams are personal.
beautiful poem ji, dreamily crafted.
Well wordled!
oh this is good!
Well done. I enjoyed the wistful quality of this.
it is the unsaid things that scare me the most...haha...how many blogs do you have?
Well done. I enjoyed it greatly.
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